Friday, June 22, 2018

happy Friday!!

Today was a special day

      Julia had a party honoring her 25 years with Nestle.
      The setting was beautiful, at one of the Nestle  buildings overlooking Lake Geneva.
      There was plenty of wine and appetizers.  I ate salmon, olives, my favorite bread sticks, prawns, and some other stuff that I am not sure of the exact names or ingredients.
     Many of her co-workers and friends were there,and it was nice for me to visit with all the people I have met over the years.
     There were some presents, some laughs, and some speeches.  Standing there, I realized how proud I was of my first born and her accomplishment with Nestle.  I wish her mom could have been here for the party.
     I had some wine....and some more wine...and more get the idea.
     After wards, several of them went out but the old guy took the bus and funi back to her place.
     It would have been a smooth trip except for me missing the road and having to walk back uphill when I finally realized my mistake.
     Sort of botched the beginning of the day also.  I plugged in my battery operated water pic to clean my teeth and all the lights went out.
     No, I did not check to see if it was compatible with the electrical systems over here.  By the way, is is not.
     Funny, Julia has been in this house 3 years and never blown a fuse....... so we were not sure exactly which of the 24 fuses was blown.  Turns out here are also circuit breakers, and when she pressed the button on the one on the left, nothing happened.  But when she pressed the middle breaker, then the one on the left, power came back.
     I'm not allowed to plug anything new in.
     Happy dreams to all.....

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