Sunday, June 17, 2018


I think I hit the wall today

     Not the biking wall, but the food wall.
     Apple cake, coffee, ice cream, spaghetti carbonara......all may have seemed a bit much at the time.     And it was.
     I had the apple cake for lunch, which makes the third day in a row for that delicious apple cake served with freshly whipped cream.  Except today it came with a sauce of raisins and some other small green food item that tasted familiar.
     Halfway through my spaghetti carbonara, I knew I had hit my limit.
     We have stayed in some pretty neat places.  All of them had breakfast as part of the package.
     Generally, they put out cheese, meats, hard bolted eggs, yogurt, fruits, breads of various kinds, corn flakes, granola and a whole lot of jellies and jams.
     It's pretty impressive.
     I try to eat light, with yogurt and a couple of slices of raisin bread, fruit, and some ham and cheese.  But we stopped for lunch in this cute little town and they had apple cake.  So I had that.
I don't think I have paid more than $5 for apple cake with whipped cream and a coffee.  It's  a bargain, considering how good the cake has been.
     That is what the best part of travelling like this is:  stopping for a refreshment or food at a small, family run restaurant.
     I have to do some reading when I get home.  I need to find out what lee blades are, why the inland sea is now freshwater, when it stopped being a sea, how big is it in relation to the Great Lakes....things I did not think about before I left.
     Anyway, a few pictures from today.
     It was a bright, cool, windy day......and I am getting tired of saying,
 "What a cute village that was!"  I may git tired of saying it, but I never get tired of seeing them.

Neat, quaint, this is a street in a larger city.  Busy city, noisy waterfront, quiet neighborhood.

Seems a little off to me

Bridge in Edam

Our hotel in Edam

On  the boat across the lake

Leaving Ekuiizen  which if it is spelled right is a miracle

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