Thursday, June 14, 2018

deja vu?

I didn't realize something until I looked

     But first things first.
     We got our bikes today.  After an orientation on how to use the GPS  system, we were off and running.  Well, off and riding.
     It took some adjusting, but we finally figured out the system.  I use we loosely, because, to be honest, I can't read it or work it!  I am the map carrier, but the map does not go into detail about routes
     We ran into a couple of women (figuratively speaking.  We did not hit them.  We talked to them.) who were using the number on the sign post method of navigating.  I think I like that better.
     We rode through a lot of industrial area around Amsterdam.  A lot.
     When Peter dropped off our bikes and gave us instructions, he cautioned us not to dilly dally because it was going to rain.
     My plan had always been ride for 6-7 miles, stop and refresh.  Repeat as needed.
     But the route didn't take us through areas where there were coffee stops or lunch stops.
     And while we didn't dilly dally, the GPS a couple of times had us go one way then suddenly reverse and have us go the opposite direction.  Weird.
     And then it started sprinkling at about mile 20.  By mile 25 we were in a full out rain, making it even harder to navigate the GPS.
     We stopped a woman walking her dog and she gave us directions, we were just 5 minutes from our lodging.
     Now understand, for several months I have been holding papers that say we are staying in the Zaanse Schans and that always sounded somehow familiar.
     We pulled into the hotel, dripping wet, were met by Sharon, one of the owners, who showed us to our rooms and set up WIFI for me because I could not get it, despite trying several times.  She did it first try.  Go figure.
     My room is on the first floor of a mid 17th century dwelling that was once a merchant house.  Our other room is right on the water.....with a beautiful view and lovely breeze.  It is right in Zaanse Schans.
     After I settled in and got on dry clothes, I went for a wander and discovered......I HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE!!
     After my other bike ride, Jackie, Julia and I came here to visit the historic windmills.   Must have been 2004 or so.
     That is why it sounded familiar.
     It is cool, but the rain seems to have stopped although it is windy and cloudy.
     We rode about 27 miles today.  Now I'm hungry and a bit tired.
     And I have discovered that staying in a historic house is nice, except for all the people that look in the windows.  And yes, I am keeping my pants on.
Abandoned fort....but it had canons

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Homes along one of the many canals

my room..note the flowers on the bed

View out the back

The fist windmill I took a picture of.

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