Thursday, June 28, 2018

ahoy, there

I went for a ride today

     It has been a while since I rode one of the boats on Lake Geneva.  They have some older paddle wheel type boats that run between the cities.
     Today I rode Le Suisse, which went into service in 1903.  I boarded in Vevey and cruised down to Lausanne, then to five other cities around the eastern end of the lake.
     It was a 3 hour cruise.  I think I saw a professor, a millionaire and a movie star, on board but I am not positive.
     I did post 2 videos on don't look for anything here today.
    What was amazing was the wind.  At one point it was strong enough to blow the sun gasses off my eyeglasses!  It was howling.  The small harbors around here have a warning system for storms and winds.  Yellow lights are activated to warn boaters that conditions could get serious.  Two of the lights were flashing toward the end of the ride.
     And at each port, when people came on they all moved to the front of the boat on the outside.  But when we moved away from shore and the wind howled, almost everyone went inside.  Even me at one point.  It was cold in the wind, hot in the sun.
     As I bought my ticket the lady asked me if I had any discounts:  travel card, half fare card, day pass, rail pass...... told her no but I was a nice person.  Nice people don't get discounts, as I found out.
     We went to see George and Monica and their daughter Stanzi tonight.  I tell you, she is one cue little 7 year old.!  I played some games with her in her room and she always seemed to win.....but she also made up the rules as we went along.  She has an amazing laugh.
     Super was awesome and it was great catching up with George and Monica.  We even got to meet her sister and brother in law,  and their two daughters.  He has some stories!
     When we let Corseaux to go up to George's it was 28 (82F) so I put on shorts.  At George's it was 21 (70) and I was chilly.  I can't win in the shorts world.
     Happy dreams to all, and to all a good nacht.

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