Thursday, June 21, 2018

no mas pantalones

I made a mistake in packing

     Jackie said take shorts.  It may be hot.
     I picked out a shirt that goes with my gray shorts.
     When I got to Julia's, I put all my clothes in the washer.  Even my jeans, which is when I discovered I do not have shorts.
     Ended up wearing my biking shorts to walk to town to buy shorts.
    Luckily, this is sale time in Switzerland.  I looked at a shop and the shorts were 99 francs.  On sale.  A franc is about a buck.
     I went to a second store.  Found two pair in my size for 29 franc each.....but I could not pull them up above my knees!  Seriously?  XL and I can't get them over my massive thighs?
     Went to The Manor, which is like a Macy's.  Found two pair for just under 100 franc and felt lucky.
     It is 85 today here.  I know, it's been  hot back in the states.  But nobody has air conditioning here.  Some stores do, and some restaurants, but very few homes. So there's nowhere to go to escape the heat.
     Night offers some relief, but not a lot.
     I did meet Julia and some friends for lunch.
    I was wearing my best tee shirt.....actually, the only clean one left as the clothes are still drying.
    Had some food, put the fork down and it slipped off the plate and down my front.
I picked the fork up out of my crotch and put it back on the plate only to have it slide off again.
I think that happened four times before I learned to put the fork on the back side of the plate.
    So there I am, wearing biking shorts that have not been washed in heavens knows how long, with a shirt splattered with port tenderloin in avocado breading, wandering into a camera store to buy a lens cap for 19 franc because mine is on the train somewhere  in the Netherlands.
     Then I spent the girls inheritance on a Starbucks caramel frappe.  Not that I am leering, but the fashion trend in Switzerland currently seems to be young girls with their butt cheeks hanging out.  Not always a good look.
     And the bus that used to cost 2.70 franc is now an even 3.  Makes it easier, but gives me another reason to walk to town.
     But there is a nice breeze on her patio, I can see the lake and mountains, and I am shirtless because I don't give a damn.
     Hope all is well on the home front.  Peace and love to all.

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