Thursday, October 26, 2017

as seen on tv

I have some problems with tv

     The advertising, specifically.
     Take the food commercials.  They always show a great looking burger, but when I order it the thing comes all smashed down in a pulp.  And when have you ever gotten a glass cup in a fast food restaurant?  That's all they show...never the insipid plastic cups with the lingering aftertaste.
    And chicken?  Show me an overflowing bucket actually sold in a store.  The ones in the commercials are piled high with that golden fried delicious bird.  But that is not what you get.
     And why do the guys dressed in the 1920s outfits drive their cars like some crazy people?  We don't need fast cars, we need safer drivers and these guys just set a bad example.
     Every time I see a Jeep going through a pristine mountain stream, I want to scream!  Think of the pollutants going into the water...gas, oil, anti freeze, grease.  You get the drift.
     And don't get me started on political ads!  I saw the one with the three area governors supporting our guv four times tonight and the primary isn't until, when, March?  And maybe instead of touting new jobs, the guy in Indiana could work on tightening the loose gun show regulations so people from Illinois stop going there to buy guns and returning home to sell them.
     Suburbicon?  Or whatever....just watching that commercial causes me confusion.  Is it a comedy?  Or a horror film?  Whichever, the commercials make me want to stay home and not watch tv.
     I can't stand the cell phone guy with the socks and his hidden fees message.
     Please, no more real people getting surprised about the brand of car behind the curtain or winning the award.  They seem tired, as do the commercials.
     And car guys who fly through the air, have talking grocery carts, or try to be funny with computer generated graphics to hold down prices and raise expectations....away with them!
     Law firms looking for clients for all sorts of illnesses and injuries...oh I wish lawyers were like the ones in England and unable to advertise.
     I cringe at the catheter ads.  Seriously, I do.
     I think I am going through Cub withdrawal.  It's a common malady, but it has been infrequent in the past three years.
    Pardon my grouchiness.
    Think I'll get up and change the channel.

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