Thursday, October 12, 2017

no doubt about it, the Cubs are on their way...

I can be a perfectly positive person

     I knew the Cubs would win.  I just did not realize how hard it would be for them.
     Now it is on to LA and a date with destiny.
     But the big bats need to start hitting or this will be a short series.
     I have been a Cub fan for a long time.  My Aunt Betty took me to my first game when I was about 9 or 10.
     Of course, Ernie was my favorite Cub.  He was a gentleman, and a player.
I once got his autograph, but have long since lost the booklet.  I wish I had it.
For so many years they were the doormat of the National League (I am in a Steve Goodman frame of mind today....that's his phrase from A Dying Cub Fans Last Request.)  Now, they are the cream of the crop, looking for four more wins to advance to the Series.
     I think they will do it.
      In fact, I am positive. 
     And tired.  So I am going to bed.  But I will take my time and say a prayer or two for people.  But not for the Cubs, because I don't think God follows baseball.
     So....goood night!!

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