Sunday, October 15, 2017

that was weird

I had a strange drive to church today

     My Honda needed gas, but the distance to empty screen said I had 130 miles, plenty to go from Rochelle to DeKalb and back again.
     I know it was windy.  Maybe a sail would have helped.
     But by the time I got to DeKalb, I still had 118 miles to go till empty!
     I only had to use gas for 12 miles, not bad for my little hybrid.
     But on the way home?  A different story.
     You may have noticed the wind. 
     I left DeKalb with 118 miles to empty, and by the time I reached Rochelle it was 73 miles to empty!
     I guess driving into a strong wind does make a difference.
     Abd gas in DeKalb was 15 cents a gallon more than in Rochelle.  Weird.
     Then I was browsing the news content on Yahoo and ran across the story of a man who hid in the woods for 5 years to avoid his nagging wife.
5 years!  In the woods!  That's is determination. 
     Seems she complained about him working in his garden too much, too often and too loudly.
     So he ran away.
     After 5 years in the woods he went to a homeless shelter, where he lived for another 5 years, doing odd jobs.  He finally contacted a sister, whom he had not talked to for 10 years.
    Like I said, a determined man.
    Lot of strangeness in our world, isn't there?
    Go Cubs!!

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