Friday, October 6, 2017

oh no!!!!!

I lost my Beatles today

     My radio subscription expired.  Now I have to wait a few months before I sign up for a special offer.
     I have been getting it for $30 for six months, which is a good deal.  I still don't like having to pay to listen to the radio, but there are no commercials and great music.
     The Beatles channel seems to be the only one I listen to lately.  I love the Fab Four, and I love them more every time I listen to them.
     But on the way home today.......poof!  It was gone.  My six months ended.
     Commercial radio is ok, but there is a reason it's called commercial.
     Public radio is fine, but sometimes I want to escape this increasingly crazy world and listening to the Beatles does that for me.  Or Buffet.  Or Underground Garage.  Or, well, you get the point.
     I could do some cds, or create a play list on my phone....but that requires a degree of technical skill I don't know that I possess.
      I am just to cheap to subscribe at the normal rate, which I think is $15 a month.  That's a lot just to listen to the radio.
     So, no more whining.  I'll just have to tough it out.
     But still.....picture yourself in a boat on the river, with tangerine trees and marmalade skies......

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