Monday, October 23, 2017

an unbucket list?

I have been thinking of my bucket list lately

     I have a lot of places to go, and things to do.
     But I also have an unbucket list.  Things I will never do, or do only as a last resort.
     I thought I would share part of it with you, my friendly and loyal readers.
     Things I will never do:

10.     Run a marathon.  I know, my son in law runs the Chicago Marathon and that is pretty great!  But I can't run 5 feet before my hips start hurting, my knees start swelling and my lungs feel like they are on fire.
9.        Learn to swim.  I am almost 70.  I have taken swimming lessons from lots of people, and can't swim to save my life.  I can't time the turn your head and breathe movement and always get water in my mouth.
8.      Go on a roller coaster.  Yes, I went on Space Mountain once.  And I have gone on some of the lower and slower ones at Disney World, but no way will I go on some cockamamie car that goes up 9 stories and then drops to the ground with a series of loops to loop along the way. 
7.     Walk on the glass skyway at the Grand Canyon or anywhere else.  You know glass shatters, right?  Glass can be broken easily.  Why would I walk out onto a glass bridge suspended by some skinny rustable bars just to look down?  I'll make a periscope for that.  The same for those windows at Hancock that lean outward so you can rest on the window and look down.  Uh uh.  Not this boy.
6.    Eat Cauliflower.  Just because.  And the last time I ate it, I got a rash.
5.     Go hiking where there are poisonous snakes.  At one time in my life I wanted to go on a wagon train experience, walking across the prairie like the pioneers did 120 years ago.  Then I realized there are poisonous snakes out there.  I don't like poisonous snakes.  (Or bears.  Poisonous bears are the worst.) The mere thought that they might be present scares the snot out of me.
4.     Ride a motorcycle.  Younger me, yes.  But older me recognizes the trouble that could occur with me on a cycle.  I'd have to wear leather, grow a beard, get a tatoo.  I'd have to drive with bugs in my teeth.  No thanks.
3.     Get a tatoo.  I have a fear of needles and infections.  I also have a fear that my arm will get infected and have to be cut off just  because I wanted a Chicago Cubs logo .  No tats, not on this boy.
2.     Jumping out of an airplane.  I know people do it.  I know it's a thrill.  But I also know I am not exactly calm in situations like that.  If I don't have a heart attack on the way down, I will have the shits.  Guaranteed.
1.     Eat sushi.  I don't even like raw vegetables that much!  Then tonight  I read a story about a guy who has worms in his stomach because he ate improperly prepared sushi and I'm thinking, "How do you improperly prepare raw fish?"
I had it once and I am convinced now that I have worms. 

So there, things  I will never do in life.
I'm sure there are plenty more, but it's getting late.
Good night.

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