Saturday, October 28, 2017

act one, scene one

I went to a rather neat play tonight

     Three of us went to see Young Frankenstein, the Mel Brooks musical over in DeKalb.
     To be honest, I was not sure what to expect.
     Yes, I have seen the movie, but that was years ago.  Gene Wilder was a kid, or I was, I don't remember.  That does not automatically make it a long time ago though, I can't remember what I had for breakfast.
     Tonight I had Pizza Villa pizza, and that is a darn good pizza.  I have not eaten there for a long time, although I have gotten carry out.  We had a really nice young waitress named Payton.  At least it was Payton to me, everyone else was calling her Jordan.
     But I digress.
     The show was great!  There was a large cast, a talented cast, and they looked like they were having a really fun time performing.  I especially liked the tap dance routine.....because I have two left feet and could not dance if my life depended on it.
     I guess I would be lousy in the west when a cowpoke pulled a gun and started shooting at my feet while yelling, "Dance, pardner. Dance." 
     Putting on the Ritz is also a favorite, just because it is a funny bit.
     What I like about old friends.....actually friends not old, but I have known for a long time.  Well, a while, at least.  You can visit and talk and have a great time without a lot of drama.  You can share, laugh, learn and just relax.  It was a great time.
     Not to busy of a day.  Visited Tilton School students in the morning with museum items, picked Jackie up from her hair appointment, visited Lincoln School in the afternoon with museum stuff, went to a visitation...just a normal, not very hectic day.
     When I finally wind down, I will go to bed and hopefully sleep at least until 9 a.m. tomorrow.  Maybe if the weather is nice, I can go for a ride....if the snow isn't too deep.
     And thanks, kids, for dragging the old man along.

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