Saturday, October 21, 2017

lost....found yet??

My wife lost her wedding ring today

     We were baking cookies and she took it off to mix the dough.  When she went to put it on, it was gone.
     Where did it go?
     It got mixed up in the dough and baked?
     It fell into the sink or on the floor?
     Corki ate it?
     It went in the garbage, along with the broken glass from this morning?  (In my defense, I did not think I set it in the dishwasher that hard!)
     It got caught in the used wax paper?
     So I looked for a while, then we went to a benefit dinner, then I came home and looked.
     And looked.
     And looked.
     I could not find the ring anywhere.  I don't think it was in the cookies, because it seems to me a ring would show after baking was done.
     The dread of going through the trash was surpassed only by having to check Corki's poop for the next week.
     We looked for over an hour.
     Finally, we gave up. 
     Maybe somebody will bite into a cookie and find it, I thought.
     When Jackie asked for the waxed paper, I gave her the box.  She opened it and.....there was the ring.  In the box.
     All's well that ends well. And I don't have to worry about someone breaking a tooth on one of our cookies.
     I guess that is a sweet victory, of sorts!

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