Friday, October 20, 2017

odds and ends

This was a discombobulated day

     And no, I have no idea if that is spelled correctly.  My spell checker tells me learned is wrong, as is gauge and spelled.  Go figure.
     I thought I was locked out of a room because the door would not open.  Been going through this door for 10 years.  I kept pushing and pushing but it would not budge.  It's a pull.
     Stopped to buy some clothes, could not find my car.  I walked up and down three lanes, and I could not find it.  Of course, I was not in the correct parking lot.  I parked  in front of a restaurant and I was looking in the side parking lot.
     I think I may have scared a lady.  She was ahead of me walking to her car, and I was following along.  I thought my car was parked in the second row, she went to the second row.  I thought my car was parked toward the end, she went to the end.  I  eventually walked in the complete opposite direction because I did not want her to think I was following her.  That didn't help in the car search.
     Buying clothes.  I got extra large, because my extra large belly makes large cling too much.  Yes, you are right....I should try harder to lose the weight.
Speaking of which....I have some cupcakes to share.  If you feel like a coffee or tea Sunday afternoon, stop over and I will share the cupcakes with you!       Otherwise I have to eat them all.
      Not that I am complaining.......
     I did read a neat story in the Trib today.  A Chicago teen was sneaking into a Skokie fitness center to play basketball with friends.  Problem is, his membership had expired and mom could not afford to renew.  The fitness center staff warned him several times not to come in, and said the next time he did police would be called.
     Well, he went and the police were called.
     What the officer did was amazing.  He talked to the boy, and instead of arresting him, the officer paid for a three month membership out of his own pocket.  Then his superiors called the health center company and the company put up the money for a two year membership.
     Seems the boy is a talented player, has never been in trouble and has pro potential.  The officer said it was worth the money to keep the boy off the streets and on an upward path.
     That was my feel good moment of the week, but it doesn't totally erase the fate of the Cubs. 
     Waiting for next year starts now, I guess.

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