Monday, October 2, 2017

no words

I am having a hard time with this latest mass shooting

     I firmly believe in gun control.  I firmly believe in the second amendment.  In order to maintain a well regulated militia, the right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed.
     A well regulated militia.
     To me that is what needs to be done.  All gun owners need to be part of a militia, a well regulated one with background checks, monthly training, the ability to be mobilized if the need arises, and a limit on the types of weapons they possess.
     Control the guns.  Prevent the senseless killings that occur every day in our society.
     For gods sake they outlawed lawn darts because they were dangerous!
     I don't know guns, I admit that.
     But I know common sense.  Common sense tells me that automatic weapons, weapons with high ammo capacity, and weapons capable of killing large amounts of people at one time need to be banned.
     I am embarrassed that our country, our lawmakers, have not demanded this.
     Prayers are not needed, action is.

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