Wednesday, October 25, 2017

well, I'll be........

I love talking about milestones

     For example, I rode my bike 8 miles today, putting me at about 340 for the year.
     Last year I rode 401.7 and I promised myself to pass that.
     But life got in the way.  Stents.  Heat,  Rain.  I went about 7 weeks without getting on the bike at all because it seemed to be yelling "Death to whoever rides me!"  So I didn't ride.  At all.
     But today, 8 miles.  Now normally I go about 12 around the neighborhood, but it was damn cold!  I had on two long sleeve shirts and a sweatshirt, but I was still cold.  I watched my neighbor cruise  by and he looked warm.
     Would it be wrong to ask him what he wears?  How does one guy start up that conversation?
     Uh, hey.  Saw you riding.  What about those pants?
     No, that doesn't work.
     Looking at the forecast, I may not have many riding days left.  Unless I figure out the clothing thing.
     Another milestone in December.....48 years.
     Now friend John had a little to do with that.  The night before the wedding I tried to go out for some bread and milk.  I took my money, car keys and he said, "Terry, you have bread, there's plenty of milk and the store is next door. You don't need your keys."
     And another milestone.
     I started this blog as a New Years Resolution starting Jan. 1, 2014.  I never finshish things, so my goal was to write once a day for a year.  I never stopped.
     I looked at my stats today and there have been over 97,000 page views!  That's almost 100,000!!!  I am shocked.  And thankful.
     You can figure out where most readers live, but this week three countries have been in double figures.  Switzerland, Poland, and Brazil.
     No Russia, for a change. They probably are too busy posting false Facebook stories.

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