Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Uh oh......

We may have a dog problem

     She is a wonderful, dog.
     She is a pain.
     She is well behaved.
     She gets on my nerves.
     We feed her.  We really do.  But she is constantly sniffing around on the  floor for crumbs or bits of dropped food.  When we open the closet, she is right behind us, looking at the floor.
     And when we eat, she stares at our food, and her eyes go from the food to the floor.
     And I swear, she goes out to pee more than I do!  To clarify, I don't go out to pee, but you get the analogy.
     I sit down, she is at the door.  I go into another room, she is at the door.
     When she is home with Jackie, she hardly ever goes out.  But with me, it's almost constant in and out, in and out.....damn near drives me nuts.
     Just now, I sat down to type, she is at the door.  Now she is barking....she just stands out there and barks. No one around.  No other dogs.  Just barks.  I think she does it so I will go out there.  So now I am going.
     She follows me everywhere!  I can't go into a room to get something without almost tripping on her on the way out.
     And yet I love to sit on the couch and cuddle with her, and I enjoy the pitter patter of her little feet.
     And Jackie loves it when she sleeps on the bed by her feet.
     So I guess I'll just cope.  And enjoy her.  And cherish these moments, as irritating as they are.

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