Thursday, October 5, 2017

a first!

Today I did something I never imagined doing

     I am not a daring person.  I won't jump out of an airplane, or off the side of a mountain, or drink water from a garden hose because after doing it for years I found out it wasn't good for people, for some reason.
      But I digress.
     Today, I got a pedicure.
     Yes, that's right.  I allowed a total stranger to bathe my feet, trim my toe nails and exfoliate my feet.
     And it felt damn good.
     For you young folks out there, trimming your toe nails is an easy task.
     But I can't bend over that far anymore.  My belly gets in the way, and I am just not as flexible.
     So I went with Jackie for a peddie.  (Is that what it is called?)
     I knew my nails were too long when the technician went back and got the hedge lopers, but after a couple of minutes of grunting, sweating, and gnashing her teeth she managed to trim the big toe.
     My pops, bless his heart, must have stopped trimming his toes at about 70.  Those suckers were loooong.  I think he was wearing size 18 shoes when he died.  Normally he wore 10s, but his nails just kept growing.  My mom was not strong enough to trim them and I was long gone.
     My old dogs feel pretty good tonight.  I might just make this a routine thing.
     And no, I did not get them colored!

     Now, for something different:

     I am a corny guy!  I do have From the Heart daily cash give away calendars for sale!  These are $20 each, but they have a cornucopia of coupons!  Deals on meals, flowers, oil changes.....using half the coupons can earn the $20 back in savings!  Use all the coupons and you come out way ahead. Every day a winner is picked.  The winner can win $25, $50 or even $1,000!  And you can win more than once!  The money goes to a lot of different agencies around town:  Hope, Food Pantry, CASA, Shining Star, Focus House, and several others as well as money to Rotary for our use in funding causes that benefit people around the world and in Rochelle.  Let me know if you want one, two or three or 10!  They make great Christmas presents, and if you are a boss you can buy them for your employees and give them a chance to win $$$$.
We do sell about 2,400 calendars, so your odds are better than with the lottery or getting hit by lightning.  Call me.  Please.

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