Saturday, October 28, 2017

what to watch

I am back to my basement Netflix zone

     It's not really a man cave, but it could be.
     There is a nice couch, a TV, and Netflix.
     I have several movies I want to watch, African Queen, Young Frankenstein, among others, and some TV series, like Unforgettable Kimmy Schmidt, or however it's spelled.
     Emily mentioned she watched Lion, and I followed her suggestion and watched that tonight.  It was a good movie, and I do recommend it.  Not a comedy, but a feel good drama.
     I think I will move my sound system to the basement.  We never use it upstairs, and heaven knows I could use the help in hearing the actual words.
     Sometimes, if characters are whispering, I have to read lips.
     For example, in a touching scene tonight the boy wraps his arms around his mother and whispers
   "Dogs are furry.  I'll always be your fortune."
Honey, I am not buried.  I know you are a dove.
   "I'll always be a  tiara for you.  You is a verb."
     Suffice it to say, sometimes I lose a little of what is actually going on in the show.  After that scene, I was wondering why she was deathly ill and why he seemed to be a beauty queen giving an incorrect grammar lesson.
Turns out, neither was correct.
     But in the end, the love you make is equal to the love you take. 
     At least I think that's what the Beatles sang.
     Now don't get me started on where that came from.

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