Wednesday, October 18, 2017

what a night

I went camping last night

     I went with my two long time friends from the city.  We have been doing this for a number of years, sometimes making it happen, but sometimes not.
     For instance, I missed last year because of something.  Usually when I miss it's due to a theater type thing.
     We meet up at a restaurant near Lena, then head to Lake Le Aqua Na.  Usually we go on a fall weekend, because not as many people are out once it gets cool.
     Since we are all retired, we opted for a midweek trip this year.
     I am in charge of the Oreos....this year I brought Mega Stuffed!  They were awesome.
     I also brought big marshmallows to roast.  Grabbed them off a shelf in the pantry.  They were marked best used by April 4, 2015.  Oh well.  They tended to burn rather quickly...must be dried out.  And they were never gooey.  But they were marshmallows roasted over a fire....can't beat that!
     I think I am a typical older male when it comes to a prostate.  I have a cup of tea at night and usually get the call to nature at about 3.
     At home it's just a couple of steps to the bathroom.  In the wild, it's a walk to the bathroom or just a few steps to the closest tree that is not uphill from a tent.
      I had a couple of cups of tea, a glass of wine, and a bottle of water last night.
     As I was laying in the tent, right about 3 a.m.......the coyotes started howling.  And howling.  And howling.  They sounded like they were right near our tent.
So a dilemma.  Step out into the dark and get ripped apart by a howling bunch of rabid, possibly zombie coyotes....or hold it and risk wetting the sleeping bag.
     As the piercing howls started to quiet, I knew the answer.  It would keep until morning.
     And it did.
     Now, some pictures.

paper wasp nest

Colors were pretty muted this fall

The lake at Lake Le Aqua Na

Hickory nuts yet to fall

notice the falling leaves....arty, huh? 

R and W......ever try here?

It was praying that we don't step on it!

Notice the dip in the road?  Lots of hills.

Yes, they brought a lamp.  Knowledge will defeat the darkness.

We all know it.... I am number 1!!!

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