Wednesday, October 4, 2017

I have to say it

I may be divorced after posting this

     We got our flu shots today.  The really nice pharmacist gave us extra attention.  She took care of me and was very gentle.  She took care of Jackie and was also very gentle.
     When we got home, Jackie changed clothes. 
     About 10 minutes later, she yells, "I lost my watch!"
     Now, this is not just a watch.  It is an Apple watch.  She can look at it and say, "Siri, call Terry" and it will.
     This is her wear all the time watch, just in case there is an emergency and she can't reach a phone.
     So it's a big deal.
     I asked the question we all ask in this situation.  "Where did you put it last?"  If people knew where they put it last, they would not be looking for it, would they?
     We looked in the bathroom, the chair she was sitting in, her walker.....nothing.
     We went into the closet and went through the clothes she took off..... nothing.
     So I called her on my phone.
     We could hear the watch ringing in the closet.
     I looked on the floor, in the hampers, everywhere.  No watch.
     I made her leave the closet because it is a little tight in there.
     I called it again.
    We could hear it, and it sounded like it came from .... her walker!  She has a little covered container under the seat, and maybe we didn't see it the first time.
     We took everything out:  Tissue.  Gum wrappers. Nail file.  Book.  Magazines.  Miscellaneous scraps of paper.  Nothing.  Looked through the magazines again.  Nothing.
     I called it again.
     The ring came from her!
     We checked her pockets, her bra, but could not find it.  Finally I told her to take off her pants.  (When we were younger, this story would have gone a different direction.)
     The watch fell onto the floor!  Evidently it was caught inside her left pant leg.       That happens to be the leg that doesn't work very well, and doesn't sense things well.  How the watch got there is a mystery.
     We spent 15 minutes looking for the damn thing and it was in her pants.
     There, I told it.
    Well, I guess I better start packing.  Julia, how is the weather????

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