Monday, October 16, 2017

film noir

I sometimes think my life is a movie

     Parts of it play out so freakin funny, while other parts are sad. 
     My vivid imagination makes me a Rear Window kind of guy.  Every time I see something odd, I think it is going to be a major crime or incident.
     Yet my flights of fantasy put me in the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory genre.
     My inability to get to sleep lately makes me a Sleepless in Seattle kind of guy and my constant running to the computer makes sense because You've Got Mail.
     I love going into Chicago, but I love the quiet of Rochelle, so put me down for A Tale of Two Cities.  And when I go into the city, I hate to drive, so I take Metra, which means Planes Trains and Automobiles.  Well, except for the planes.  But in Switzerland it is definitely planes and trains and automobiles.
     And An American in Paris fits, because I love that town and all its hustle and bustle, sometimes I feel like a Hustler myself when I am there.
     I went to college, so The Graduate applies.  I have not seen that movie in years, maybe I have to watch it again.  Plastics. 
     I have two daughters, Julia and Amelie....well, close enough.  And my favorite foods are  Chocolate and Mystic Pizza.
     Enough of this drivel.
     Checked my audience today....still have a large number of Russian, French and Polish people who have visited my page.  India even showed up.  Not Indiana, which is confusing, I am sure.  Pence was governor of Indiana, not India.  Just in case anyone in Washington gets confused.
     Like me. 
     Think I'll go wash the kitchen floor.
    And I am taking tomorrow of the rare days I don't do a blog entry.

     Go Cubs!!

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