Saturday, October 14, 2017

act I, scene 2

I love being on stage

     There,  I said it.  I admit it.
     I love entertaining people, and working with others to tell a story.
     But it has been a while since I have done a play.
     Part of it is the amount of time involved.  Generally, that is six weeks of rehearsal, and two weekends of performances.  It's a major time commitment.
     Plus you have to spend time learning lines....additional time.
     Lately I felt like time was just in short supply.  I can't explain it, but it seems like there just isn't enough time in my day.  Maybe I do spend too much time on the computer, or maybe I just don't organize myself well enough.
     But a bigger reason is age.  Most plays have people of a certain age in them.    An old guy can stick out like a sore thumb in a play about younger people.
     For example, if a character is married to a 30 something, it just seems creepy to have an almost 70 year old guy as a love interest.  See my point??
     I knew this day was coming.
     Hopefully there will be a role for me some time in the future. 
     And if not, well, I guess that's the curtain.
     Act 2, scene two....and fade to black.

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