Sunday, February 12, 2017

feeling better

When my mood is rotten, other's misery makes me better

   I know, I should not revel in other people's misery.
   But seriously.......
   I read an article about a New York couple who were getting married in a big hoop de do affair.  But at the rehearsal dinner, all hell broke out and the wedding was called off.
   The article said the reception was a $1,100 per head affair, and about 200 guests were expected.  In other words, their reception would have been almost what I earned in 10 years of teaching.
   And the ex bride to be was refusing to return the $125,000 engagement ring!
   After reading that, I immediately felt better about my status.
   Then there was the story from San Francisco about the 100 year old woman evicted from her apartment!  100 years old!!  No, that did not make me laugh because it was not funny, just sad.  But again, I was glad I was not the sheriff who had to do the evicting!
   And there is a Facebook video about a woman, maybe in Connecticut, who was in court for a parking ticket.  She parked in a zone where parking was banned until 10 a.m.  Her ticket reflected she parked in the spot at 9:59:58, or about 2 seconds before she was legally allowed to park there.
   When the city attorney said a law is a law, the judge and victim burst out laughing.
   The judge tossed the case.
   And justly so.
   But the lady had to take the time to go to court, wait for her case to come up, plead her case......all because of 2 seconds.
   Sometimes the lack of common sense in other people makes me feel better about my state.

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