Tuesday, February 21, 2017

age 30??

I think I may be upset...I don't know

    I just saw a Facebook post on 20 things you forgot about by the time you reached 30.
    Hell, I forget 20 things by the time I reach lunch!
    I didn't read the post.  I figured I have my own list of things I can still remember.
    Buckingham.  As in fountain.  As a kid growing up in Chicago the telephone numbers started with a word, like Buckingham.  On the phone you dialed BU then the rest of the number.  BU 1 9206.  That was home for me.  But John may override my memory on this one.
   The 1959 White Sox World Series.  More specifically, the night they clinched the AL title in Cleveland. (Wonder if that will be a trend from now on.)  40 minutes after the game, Mayor Daley ordered the air raid sirens set off to celebrate.  It was 11:30 at night.  People panicked.  My older brother grabbed all the canned goods and headed to the basement
    I knew it was just a celebration of the Sox winning.
    Air raid drills.  We actually practiced getting under our desks at school in case the Reds launched a nuclear attack.  Then I read Hiroshima by John Hersey and realized the best drill was to drop our pants, put our head between our legs and kiss our sweet asses good bye because nothing survives a nuclear bomb.
    Skitching.  In Chicago, when the snow covered the roads, kids would grab the bumpers of slow moving cars and ski along behind them.  Very dangerous.
    Rotary phones.
    S & H Green Stamps.  I still have two sheets of them in case someone is just a little short.  Jackie and I have a picnic basket we got using those stamps.
    Chanting "Dump the Hump" at the Democratic National Convention festivities in downtown Chicago.
   National Tea food stores.
   Sawdust on the floor of the butcher shop on Ashland Avenue.
   Aladdin's Castle at Riverview.
   My youth.
   Kiddieland and Ride the Wall mini golf in Lincolnwood.
   From the land of sky blue waters....Hamm's beer.....
   Huh...can't remember where I was going with this.
   Oh well.  Sometimes I remember the past better than the current days.   Which isn't always a bad thing.
    Or is it?  I don't remember.

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