Saturday, February 11, 2017

what to do...what to do

Life is sometimes a quandary

    Coming back from DeKalb today, I was behind a little SUV that did not seem to have brake lights.  When he stopped, no lights went on, or none that I saw.
    So I pulled up next to him at a stop light just to give him a heads up.
Honked.  Honked again.  Honked three times.  (Wait a minute....that sounds like a song  Knock three times yada yada yada, twice on the pipes....) But he never looked over.
    Just being a nice guy, but then I thought what if he is a nut?  What if he thinks I am a smart Alec and shoots me?  What if he goes ballistic and runs me off the road?  What if he tweets about me?
    So I let him drive on.
    I have not confessed my sin to my wife yet, so she will yell at me when she reads this.
    I did not get coffee today.  But I did stop at he Mexican ice cream place on Lincoln Highway.  I sampled the tequila and nut ice cream, but it did not hit the spot.  I got rompope and coffee.  The rompope had raisins in it and it was actually very good.  BTW, rompope is eggnog.  If you have not tried any, you might want to venture in.  I think it is Michoan, or something close to that.
    What to do part two.  The screen on my dryer is broken.  So I went to the web site and typed in the model number, which does not seem to exist.
    I went to live chat and she gave me the correct model number and the website.
The filter costs $31.  So I put it in my basket and went to check out.  Shipping is $23.
    Unfreakin' believable.
    I cancelled my order.
    Maybe the appliance repair guy has it cheaper, or without the shipping.
    $23 is a lot of ice cream.   I mean coffee.  I mean moolah.  That's it.  Moolah.

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