Friday, February 10, 2017

all my fears rolled into one

I had a nightmare last night

   Well, technically it was this morning because it woke me up about 5:30.
   I know, many of you are already up and about at that time, but my wake up call is usually about 3 hours later.
   Anyway, I have vivid dreams.  I used to keep a dream journal and have a notebook or two filled with the nocturnal meanderings of my mind.
   But last night was very different.  There were no monsters, no people breaking in the house, no car crashes, plane crashes, or trains flying off the tracks as I sit \n traffic wondering if I can outrun the speeding locomotive  sliding on the ground toward me, sparks flying all over the place and me peeing in my pants.
   No, not that kind of nightmare.
   This was a very realistic, very natural, very common happening type dream.
   I went to an event in Chicago.  I was with someone, but that part is a little fuzzy.  I parked my car in a lot and walked to the event.  The other person and I left the event and walked back to the car.
   Here's the truly frightening part.  I could not remember where I parked!  We walked forever.  We even took a cab up and down streets but I could not find the lot.
   Why is that scary?
    I don't want to be the guy who goes out for the paper and is found four days later in Memphis, dirty, broke and confused.
   I know I joke about it, but every time I forget something I this a sign of things to come?
   My pops had Alzheimer's, but back then everyone called it senility.  I remember what his life was like......and I don't want that for me or my family.
   That dream created a high level of anxiety in me!  My dream self was extremely agitated and panicking.....sort of how I felt when I woke up.
   Hopefully I will have quiet dreams tonight......or at least dream of things not quite so scary, like a 9 foot green lizard breaking into the house.

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