Thursday, February 2, 2017

woe is me

I am a putz

   Actually, I don't know what a putz is, but I am one.
   And it doesn't mean nice guy, go getter, fun guy to be around.
   I am a putz,
   A friend invited me to go walking today.  I really wanted to go, but I checked the outside temp and it was cold.  Very cold.
   So I stayed in bed.
   Let's review:
   I get invited to do something, and I don't go.
   I complain about my ever expanding waistline, but I don't exercise.
   I talk the talk, but I don't walk the walk, figuratively and in this case, literally.
   Later, I went out to pick up dog (and deer) droppings and was damn cold!
   But it didn't stop my friend from walking.  And my side of the park had three cars there at 9 a.m., people walking or doing disc golf, which also puts them outside.  In the cold.  Freezing cold.
   About the deer droppings.  I think Corki has developed a nose for those, and maybe an appetite.  So I now scrape up dog doo and deer doo.  If there was a mountain, I'd probably scrape up Mountain Dew.  (PepsiCo: note the clever word play and obvious product placement.  Your financial support would be appreciated.)
   Anyway, next week I will do better.
   Next week.
   It's always next week with me.
   What a putz.

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