Monday, February 20, 2017

walking, walking, walking

Corki and I went for a walk in the woods today

   We joined my friend Todd and his two dogs, Roscoe and Maggie.
   As usual, Corki did her growl, bark greeting, but once we started walking she was fine.
   Unlike last week when we walked, she did not get a lot of burrs in her hair.
   It was worse.
   She got thirsty and,'s how it looked.

   Now this is a dog that does not like to take a bath and there she is....knee deep in a creek.
   I was worried about water quality, but Todd's dogs drink regularly from this without any ill effects....... so I figured, why not.
   Ok, she did get a little muddy.....and it took a long time to wash her off when I got home.
   But she had fun.
   This outing made me a little more optimistic about her social habits....she did not go crazy when Roscoe and Maggie showed up.  Maybe next time she won't bark at all.
   And it's hard to beat a walk in the woods on a beautiful sprinter day. 
   Yes, sprinter.  It's a combo of spring and winter, in case you did not figure that out.  I think we should use it anytime we have three or more consecutive 60 degree days in February.
   Join me in the movement!!

Poinsettias still blooming!

Shrub looks ready to leaf!  I hope it does not!!

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