Wednesday, February 8, 2017

bucket lists and all that stuff

I have a never ending bucket list

   It seems to grow.  I take one item off, put about 10 on.
   So what types of items are on my bucket list?
   Some are crazy.... like walking through a redwood tree or hugging a giant sequoia tree.
   Some are whimsical.  Taking a carriage ride through Central Park.  Meeting Tom Hanks.  Having a beer with Christopher Moore or Carl Haiison.  Having coffee with Donna Leon and walking the streets of Venice with her and Guido.  
   Of course, several involve travel to foreign lands.  Staying in a chateau in the Loire Valley and cycling through the countryside.  Visiting the underground bunkers in Berlin.  Going on safari in Africa. Biking through France.  Following the Tour de France for a few days.
   I'd love to sing the stretch at Wrigley.  I don't think I'd like to throw out the first pitch because I don't want to embarrass myself.
   Finishing the books I have started.  And getting them published.
   Winning the lottery.  Having a couple of hundred million smackeroos would help me achieve some of these.  It would help with the funding research into cures for MS, I think.
   Seeing polar bears at Churchill, watching the northern lights, viewing a meteor shower in a place where there are no lights to interfere.
   And some I have done, but would do  again.  Like biking in Holland, or walking the beaches at Normandy.  Going to Cuba.  Time in France.
   Somewhere in my desk I have a folder marked "bucket list."  I created it several years ago.... I wonder what I have done that was on it?
   And I wonder what I have added to it, at least in my mind.
   I guess that is why I like books and the internet.... they can take me places that I can't visit.  Yet.   But I still have time, I hope!

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