Monday, February 27, 2017

should have looked

Sometimes I get in a rush

    Or maybe I am tired.  Or distracted.  And when that happens, I make simple mistakes.
    So, consider this a public service announcement.
    When washing your hair, do NOT grab the dog's specially formulated oatmeal shampoo that was accidentally left in the shower.  Yes, you hair may glisten and have that glossy coat look, but you smell like oatmeal the entire day.
    When brushing your teeth late at night, do NOT grab the tube of Desitin that was sitting in your drawer following last year's bike riding rash affliction.  Desitin does nothing for cavity prevention or teeth whitening.
    And if you still have that dry itchy feeling in your very private parts, do NOT liberally apply Vick's Vaporub instead of Vaseline.  You will find the Vick's has a warming effect, which soon turns into a third degree burn in areas you are not comfortable showing to medical staff of any kind, because they will ask you all sorts of questions you can not answer.
    When you see someone that does not look familiar, do NOT compare the approaching figure to a homeless person, vagrant, bum,  or weirdo unless you are absolutely sure they are not married to the woman you are talking to.  (Or with whom you are talking, if you prefer.)
    When meeting an old friend, do NOT ask where his/her spouse is until you are certain they are not involved in a bitter divorce featuring numerous police reports and restraining orders.
    When doing a DIY in the home, do NOT assume the power is off when hanging the new range hood.  Some kitchens have more than one breaker and pliers can act as a conduit for live power.
    And finally, when reading this blog, do NOT believe everything.  For example, some of these PSA's may not be based on my personal experience.  I'll leave that to your imagination.

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