Friday, February 3, 2017

say that again

I think I am losing my mind

    I have been hearing some weird stuff lately.
    This morning, NPR was interviewing a spokesman for the president.  He was asked questions and gave his answers.  The interview was going along when he was asked whether or not this president considered Islam a religion.  The man said, "I don't know.  I don't speak for the president.  You have to ask him."
    You're a spokesman!!  You do speak for the president!!  Otherwise nobody would be paying any attention to you.
    Then I ran into somebody today I have not seen in a few months.  She asked me how life was like in Medinah.  I told her I did not know, because I lived in Rochelle.  Then she asked me if I was sure!  Three more times she expressed confusion, as if I did not know where I lived.  I do.  At least for now.
    And whenever I lose something, I am asked, "Where did you put it?"  If I knew where I put it, it wouldn't be lost!
    I also have to apologize to all the students I had.  I failed to teach about the Bowling Green Massacre.  I admit my liberal leanings caused me to gloss over this important nonevent in our history.
    And legislation designed to protect seniors and others with IRA accounts is being considered for eliminating because it is too hard for investment officials to be on their clients side?  That has to be a joke.
    But it's better than the class action medical ads that say if you have been injured or killed you may have a claim.  Sorry, but if I have been killed, I am not claiming anything.... except a do over.
    I swear.... I am losing my sanity.

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