Saturday, February 18, 2017

do as I say

I did a bad thing yesterday

   I included a story about the new education secretary and her saying a poll showed 40 percent of the people liked what the president was doing, so that meant the majority of people did.  The story was satire.  It was labeled satire.  I should not have used it.
   I do apologize.
   I am one of those who complains about people spreading false stories and here I go and do it.
   However the treasurer candidate who did not know 8 x 7 was can Google the original news story.
   And the basketball player with the flat Earth belief also appears real as several sources have done stories on it.
   I will be more vigilant.  You deserve that.
   But it was funny.  And I really wanted to believe it because I find the woman so, so...... I can't even describe how I feel about her.
   But the next time I repeat a story describing her stupidity, I will make sure to verify it's truth.  That should be Tuesday.

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