Monday, February 13, 2017

not again

I have to eat better

   NO, I am not talking about the food, or the quality of the food.
   I mean hitting my mouth.
   I had a sweatshirt on today and I had to change after lunch because of the soup drippings down the front.
   So I put my Wrigley Field shirt on.  After supper I was laying on the floor and Corki came up and started licking food off my sweatshirt!  Now I have bits of macaroni and cheese and dog snot covering the front of my shirt.
   I can not afford to go through a shirt at every meal!
   I can't stop eating.  No, seriously...I can't stop.  A meal is just a meal, but I snack constantly before and after.  No wonder I am gaining weight.  And every time I eat something I seem to driibble!
   Coffee from Cypress House?  Dribble down my shirt.
   Pancakes and syrup?  My shirt ends up  like fly paper....sticky and attracting bugs.  And spots.
   I just don't get it.  I try, I really try to be neat, but it never seems to work.
   Maybe a liquid diet using straws and sippy cups is the answer.  But how do you liquify french fries?

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