Thursday, February 16, 2017

oh my gosh

I watched the president's press conference today

   To be truthful, I only watched snippets.  I found cleaning toilets to be a much better alternative than listening.  (Turns out it is dealing with the same type of outcome.)
   It must be nice to boast about bigger than anyone's electoral college vote only to be told by a reporter that it really wasn't the biggest.  Then to say it wasn't your fault, you were only repeating what someone told you as your excuse for being wrong.
   And berating journalists for being mean and disrespecting him but when he calls on  a BBC guy he immediately says another fake news group and makes other snide comments.
   And for heaven's sake, when someone asks you something, answer the darn question.
   But for me the topper was the questionnaire his people sent out later asking  loaded questions about the media.  We've all heard about crafting questions to get the response you wanted, and that is what the penises working for him have done.  (I apologize for my language..... but I call it like it is.)
   I won't go into detail on the questions, but go to and you should be able to find the survey.
   And I am sure it is an unbiased survey, as it is going out only to his supporters.
Holy was truly weird.
   I will give him credit for predicting that the media would dwell on his ranting and raving at the press conference.  That was not exactly right, but most of the reports were on how confusing and bizarre it was.
   And then there is the Fox News guy who ripped on the president for how he dealt with a CNN reporter's question.  Fox News.  Ripped on the president.
   Now that should get headlines.

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