Thursday, February 23, 2017

Hello out there

Time to reflect on who is reading this

   Obviously my main reading audience is in the United States.  But I always get a little psyched when I hit the audience button in the stats section.
   I just checked and was amazed at where my audience lies.  (Or lays.  Or lives.  Pick one.)
   I would think Switzerland would be second on the list of where readers are.... but it is not!  Julia may be the only reader, so Craig, Yvonne, Kevin, Christina, Matt.... you are missing some funny stuff!
   But Switzerland is not second on the list.......France is!  Now maybe Carol and her family read it, I am not sure.  But France had four times the readers that Switzerland.
   After Switzerland came Portugal, Italy, Romania and Canada.
   I did get a comment from Giovanni......but I don't know where he lives.
Really.  Someone actually commented on the blog site.
   One day I think I will just ask people to post a picture on Facebook that shows where they live.  It might be fun.
   As a side note, I always have said if I had to pick another country to call home, it would be France.  I love the small towns, the bread, the language, the people, the wine.
   All I can say is Vive la France.
   And good night.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahhahh GoOd Post Terry Have an Excellent Night Brother !! :')
