Sunday, February 19, 2017

a new world

I learned new stuff this week

   Tech stuff.  Hard stuff.
   Emily showed me how to download a podcast to my phone.  She also told me how to play it when I am driving, but I don't remember.  I think I just hit the play button on the phone and it should come through my speakers in the car.....I think.
   I learned how to use my passport for PBS.  We are  sustaining donors and because of that we can watch any show they run on demand on our computer.
   So, I watched the first three episodes of Sherlock, season 4.
   I love that show.  It is well written, quickly paced, and requires me to pay attention.
   I have Victoria on DVR, so I will being on that when it rains.
   Then it is on to Mercy Street, which I have to watch from the start.
   I should have done this during the winter, not when the weather turns warmer and the outside calls.
   But, I never did plan well.
   Next up....using the Apple TV to watch the shows on the regular tv so I can relax on the couch.
   Or not.

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