Friday, February 24, 2017

just thinking quietly

I have had some crazy thoughts lately

   I had a thought about Ted Danson.  You probably remember him from Cheers, where he played a pretty relaxed bartender.  Smooth actor, mellow fellow.  Then you watch him on Becker and he is totally opposite:  loud mouthed jerk who is quick to anger.  Even his body moves in a jerky style, like he is in spasms.  He was also on a show called Damages where he played a sleazy businessman and his character was totally different from the other two.  Makes me realize what a talent he is.
   I thought about winning $425 million in the Power ball game....but that did not last long.  Now I think about the people who won and how they are going to spend the money.
   I thought about Mike Pence and how he sleeps at night.  He didn't help Indiana citizens when their East Chicago area needed a clean up.  He wouldn't come forth with money, but his successor did.  Likewise, a man who served 9 years in prison for a crime he did not commit was not pardoned by Pence.  A pardon would have helped the man find work because he would not have a conviction on his record.  The new governor pardoned the guy, giving him a clean record.  Lax gun show regulations allow a flood of weapons into Illinois.  And his reluctance to embrace a clean needle campaign led to an AIDs epidemic in Indiana.  How does he sleep?
   I thought about why I love the foods that are bad for me.  Today I had pizza, eclair cake, and Ollie's custard.  Not exactly a balanced diet.
   I thought about exercising.  But I took a nap instead.
   I thought about finishing cleaning the house.  But I took a nap instead.   Do you see a pattern?
   Now it is just 10 and I am wide awake.
   I think I'll read and try to fall asleep.  Again.

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