Tuesday, January 31, 2017

strange....that's all

Sometimes things seem strange

   Like today.  Came home from Jackie's hair appointment and the road in front of our house was filled with tire tracks.
   You could see where people pulled out of their driveways, including mine.  But the road was not wet.  We drove all the way to the end, and it was the same.  You could even see the path the postal person went.  (See how PC I am being?  Instead of a mail man, mail woman, mail person, mail delivery person, I used postal person, which sounds totally wrong.  Sorry.)
   I repeat....the road was not wet, or slippery.
   At night we see people stopping in the park, sometimes even at 11 p.m.  They may be using the phone, but I suspect they are using the restroom.  There are no lights, so how do they see?  Furthermore, why bother using the darkened bathroom when there are so many trees around?
   We are not letting Corki out in the back yard right now.  We have some deer visiting us, and they leave behind piles.  Corki seems to think those are a special treat.
   I heard about a virus going around called the neck virus.  No, it does not cause you to suddenly start kissing someone near you, but it causes your neck to hurt and you feel crappy for four or five days.  Your neck becomes so sore you can't turn it.  And you cough.  And cough.  And feel miserable.
   I have a 500 piece puzzle.  I can't find a piece that has lots of brown on it.  It fits in the middle of a row of brown.  None of the pieces I have left have brown on them.  Why do I always think something is missing?
   Why am I wearing two sweatshirts and drinking a hot toddy?
   Why do I always feel a nose hair but can never find it?  Do these suckers become invisible with age?
   That's it.

Monday, January 30, 2017

blood everywhere

I volunteered at the library's blood drive today

   Well, actually I sat and read.
   Jackie was at the cookie and juice table.  I sort of directed people toward the sign in table.
   The dad of a former student stopped by to say hi.  He was giving blood for the 43rd time!  He said it was his way of giving back to the world.
   I have never given blood.
   I tend to pass out at the sight of blood....mine or anyone else's.
   I used to pass out when they put the needle in me to draw blood, but I seem to be over that.  But to lay there with a needle in my arm as the life source oozes from my body???  I don't think I can do it.
   And it's funny.  When I have surgery or a heart attack, I seem to get hooked up to an IV and it's ok.  So...what's the difference?  Forty minutes hooked up to a needle or a couple of days?
   It's all in the mind.
   While I was there, I checked out a book.  The cover looked familiar so I asked if there was a way to see if I had checked out this book before.  I was told the library no longer kept records of what people have read.
   I think I knew that, but was still happy to hear it.  I really don't want big government snooping around in my reading lists.   It's about the only area of privacy I have left.
   I needed a book because I just can't stand the world these days.  Too much hate and anger and yelling and fear and name calling.
   I dread listening to the news or reading the Trib.  And the rhetoric on Facebook?  It gets quite heated....and ugly.
   That's why I am spending more time in a Guido Brunetti's world, which despite its crime and corruption, is at least a world of fiction.
    That's all I gotta say about that.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

down memory lane

I am cleaning up my den and desk

    I started at 3.....and it is now 9:30.
    I get distracted.
    It's not just dusting and vacuuming, it's sorting through papers, tossing what I don't need.
    For instance, went to France in 2011 and kept every map and piece of paper I ran across.  Tonight, I tossed it.  Well, I did keep a map.  Did the same with the summer of 2012.  All gone.
    Tossed some pictures that were on the shelf.  Filed some papers.  Played solitaire on the computer.  Had tea.
    I ran across this little gem.
    I was at a workshop for writing as part of the language arts curriculum.  We were given something like 5 minutes to write something, using the four square system.  (Teachers of a certain age will remember that!)
    I was in a Sinatra mood.
    Here goes:
           Frank Sinatra croons, "And now my days are short, I'm in the autumn of my years...."
          Autumn brings out the song in me for several reasons.
          Autumn means a break from summer's heat, a burst of colors from nature's palette and adds a sense of urgency to life.
          Gone is summer's heat.  Chilly nights, cool days, signal the change of seasons.  The crispness of the air invigorates the soul and mind.
          Nature's colors illuminate the once dark green forest.  Oak's reds, maple's oranges and poplar's yellows dominate the woodland scene.  Thousands of brown heads, each a different hue, bob on the prairie landscape.
         "The days are short," Sinatra sings.  Paint the screens  before winter, finish the landscaping  before the frost.  50 looms and dreams are left unfilled.
         The song ends, the sands are low, winter creeps into our bone3s.
         Autumn is my favorite season.
    Notice.....50 looms.  I am now 68!!  THAT'S how long you keep crap!!
   Maybe I'll finish the room tomorrow.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

speech, please, speech

I went to a speech meet today

   It's always interesting to travel to a different high school for a tournament.
   We are fortunate to have our high school.  I say fortunate and not lucky, because luck had nothing to do with it.  Diligence, perseverance, creative thinking  and foresight did.
   Anyway, it was interesting.
First off, an announcement was made that one of the events was being moved from one science room to another due to a chemical spill.  I don't know if they were joking or not.
   Ever go into a factory or construction site and see the signs that say "13 days without an accident?"  This school had a sign that read "3 days without violence."  3 days.    Yikes.
   There was a huge crowd, and a diverse crowd.  I judged several events and each event had a person wearing a head scarf.  It got me wondering how many local kids actually know someone who is Muslim? This may have been their first encounter with a religious group that seems to be a hate target.  Maybe meeting people of different beliefs and talking to them would be a way to lessen that hatred and fear.
   I was judging an event where the speaker presents an informative speech of 8 minutes by memory.  As soon as the first speaker started, we heard blood curdling screams coming from the room behind us.  My first thought was changing that 3 to 0, but it turned out to be humorous duets performing.  Loudly.
The speakers did a great job tuning out the noise, but I found it very distracting.
    I think the rooms were built with cinder blocks......to bad they could not have filled them with insulation or a sound deadening material.  I wondered if the teachers can hear each other.
    It would be funny if a student in world history started hearing a Spanish lesson and really became confused about donde este in 1776.
    We also had an improvisational speaking.  The speakers get to pick a prompt, then prepare a 6 minute speech based on the prompt.
    The choices were one on how we should learn to not take life so seriously, and not sweat the small stuff; how work and effort are the keys to success, and  a third one about hope from FDR.
    I think they should have 3 quotes from our current president at the next meet.
Kids could pick the topic "You're fired."  Or "Nasty woman."  Or possibly, "It's going to be great."
   Now that could be entertaining.

Friday, January 27, 2017

getting there, slowly

I have been working all day

   Well, except for the break at 2 and the one at 5.  Other than that, I have been really, really busy.
   I cleaned house.  Dusted.  Vacuumed.  Did toilets.  Brought in the garbage can.
   I did not get to the den, which is the pits.  Papers everywhere.
   I have an electronic thermometer on the desk in the den.  About two weeks ago I dropped it and picked it up.
   Since then every afternoon at 3:42 and alarm goes off.  I don't know how I set it, I can't seem to figure out how to undo it.
   It beeps.  And beeps.  I finally hit all the buttons and it stops,  at least for 24 hours.
   There has been a three pronged plug sitting on my counter for weeks.  I thought it was Julia's, but she said it wasn't.  (On a side note, Julia, if you read this....apologize to Celine for me.  I had some of the candy I stole from her and it is absolutely delicious!  Best part:  Mom doesn't like it!!  It's all mine!!!)
   I found the plug in our van when I cleaned it out for the new owners.  I don't know where it came from.  Very strange.
   I also worked on my puzzle.  I am making progress, but it is slow.  I plan to be done before opening day.  It's funny....I can look and look for a piece and as soon as I stop, I find it while looking for a different piece.  I find a magnifying glass helps.  But damn....I have a problem with the left edge.  There seems to be a piece not there and I have a straight piece that does not fit.  There is something I am not seeing and it is driving me nuts.  I know, some people say it's not a drive for me, just a short putt.
    I also have a road map of Vermont and one of Pennsylvania.  I love maps.  That is my problem, I have them and really don't need them but can't seem to toss them because I do believe I will  be  back in Vermont and Pennsylvania some day.
     Oh well.  Some decisions are best done on a full night's sleep.
     Starting now.

I have no idea where it came from or where it goes!  Any clues??

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Can you hear me?

I am afraid to answer my phone

   So many telemarketers!!  Yes, our number is registered, but it does not seem to matter.
   We do have caller ID, so we usually don't answer calls from numbers we don't recognize.  I got a call from a number that I sort of thought looked familiar today and hesitantly answered it, only to hear our friend SK on the other end.
   Anyway, on the news tonight they told about a scam that is new, sort of.  You get a call from a telemarketer and they go into their spiel then they go silent.  After a moment they ask, "Can you hear me?"
     Most people will answer yes, just to be polite.
     The scammers record your answer.  Then they sign you up for some over priced service and cut your answer in to  this call just after they ask:  Are you willing to send us $400 a month for the next year?
    Your voice is then heard saying yes to the service, and once you say yes it is hard to get out of the scam.
    So, to provide a public service, I offer these suggestions.
    If you are connected to a telemarketer, speak in gibberish.
    Have a small paper bag near the phone, one you can blow up easily and quickly.  When you get a call, yell out, "Damn it, I am fed up with your catting around," and pop the bag, creating a loud bang.
    Crinkle paper and tell them you can't hear over the static.
    Blow your nose loudly and often,  right into the speaker part.  And throw in a few healthy coughs and maybe a fake spit or two.
    Say nothing.
    Have a dog bark into the receiver, or play a recording of a dog barking.  Keep yelling: No, No, not the babies.
    Cry and tell them your entire family was wiped out by poisonous snakes during a fundamentalist religious service.
    Yell, "Oh don't!  Please don't!" and hang up.
     I would suggest blowing a whistle, but that could damage the person's ears.
    If you have any other suggestions, please share them.
    As a side note, you could read Nature Girl by Carl Hiaasen and discover the extreme steps he takes in tracking down a telemarketing person who has called several times.
    But the biggest tip I have is simple:  Don't answer.  If it's important, they will leave a message.
     Now, I have to call some people and ask them if they have Jim Beam in a bottle.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Time flies

I remember the great Blizzard of 67

     It was 50 years ago today, that being Wednesday.
     I was home from Northern......I think we were on break.  I remember it being warm and then the snow started.
     And it snowed.  And snowed.  And snowed.
     I used to work at a National Tea food store about three blocks from my house.  I went in and the manager saw me and offered to pay me cash to bag groceries.  The store was packed.
     A girl I went to grammar and high school with came in and saw me.
     Fresca cola must have just come out, because their tag line in ads was feels like a blizzard or makes a blizzard... something like that.
     Pam came up to me and said "Take down that display!  It really is a blizzard!"  It was funny.
     She had a blizzard party and I went to a party with a bunch of people that I really didn't fit in with in high school and a semester of college had not changed that.  I don't remember alcohol, but I do remember jumping off her porch into huge drifts of snow.
     I had spent most of the day shoveling our sidewalk and pushing cars out of parking spaces as people foolishly tried to drive.  Irving Park was littered with buses and cars.  I think the L even stopped running.
     The following Monday I had to go back to NIU...and it may have even been Sunday.  Consider that an alternate fact.
     It was the first time my dad took me to the train station downtown.  I told him he didn't have to, but he said he wanted to.  I had made that trip several times, always by myself.  I guess he was worried about me traveling in a snowed in city.
     We walked to the L, got downtown, and I caught a train to DeKalb.
     There was hardly any snow when I got off the train.
     It would have been neat to walk to the lakefront, sled down the hill at Montrose Beach, build some snow forts or snow caves.....but I did not.
    50 years ago.
    Jeez....where did life go?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

pardon me while I rant

This man is freaking unbelievable

    Roll back regulations to make it easier to do business?
    The regulations were never meant to make it easier to do business, they were meant to protect the public from giant corporations that don't give a rat's ass about the people, their health, or the future!
    Those regulations give us cleaner air, cleaner water, safer food, safer transportation, safer every day living.  They were never meant to make it easier to do business!
    After all, it should be hard to do business.  It should be hard to decide to build a pipeline or drill for oil or manufacture a car.  Is he going to make it easier to become a doctor?  Hey, would you trust me for brain surgery?  Assuming I would not faint at the first sight of blood, I could operate on your brain.  It might not go very well, but I could do it.
    With this philosophy, I see a new rail line being built here.  Build the pipelines to ship the ever decreasing oil.  Build the railroad to carry the ever decreasing fossil fuel to a nation that will soon be choking smoke and poisons because this president wants to make it easy to do business.
    Where the hell is my Zanax..........

Monday, January 23, 2017

going with the flow

Sometimes I just roll along

     Vince Guarlaldi, and I probably butchered that name, did the music for the Charlie Brown shows.  He also did an album called "Cast Your Fate to the Wind," which I loved in high school.  Actually still do, come to think of it.
     FYI.....back in those days we bought these round discs made of plastic and put them on a round rubberized thinga ma bob that spun around.  An arm with a diamond point needle was placed on the plastic and voila!!  Music!
     Sorry, I digressed.
     I sometimes think if I just wait long enough to make a decision, fate will step in and decide for me...casting my own fate to the wind.  (Fate without an e is just fat!)
     I know it's not a great way to decide, but it  beats rolling dice.
     For instance, my dream of being a travel writer seems to shrink with every passing day.  That's ok, it will all be in my travel book.  I will write that after the three others I am not working on get finished.
     Jackie, the fam and I went through Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge years ago and remember it was beautiful country amid t shirt shops.  Sort of like the Dells or Mackinaw Island and fudge shops.
     Anyway, in the travel section in the Trib Sunday there was a story updating everyone on how those areas are doing.
     One motel operator said she got a call from a client who asked if the mountains were still there or if they were all destroyed in the fire.
     I don't think I'd be as tactful in my answer.  She told the person they were damaged, but still there.
     And critics say our educational system is not top notch.
     Suddenly I feel a breeze....must be time for a decision.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

the sun will come up

Tomorrow I have stuff to do

   I need to program Jackie's car so the garage door works.  I can't do that unless I have an opener.  I found an opener, but it doesn't work.  I replaced the batteries and tomorrow I will attempt to program the opener to the transmitter.  Then I can program the transmitter to the car.
   I hope.
   I also have to go check on my attic vent fans.  I worry they are not set properly and that I actually turned them off last summer.
   I also worry the controls are bad and need to be replaced.
   I still have to clean the den and pick up dog dirt in the front yard.
   It's hard to get stuff done when you don't get up until 9.......by the time I have my tea, and shower, it is almost 11 and nearly time for lunch.
   I have a lot of tv to watch......Sherlock, Mercy Street, Victoria......and I better get doing that before the weather turns nice.
   Tomorrow I will get up early and get going!
   I hope.
   If not, there is always Tuesday.
   Life just doesn't get easier when you get older..........double sigh.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

har de har har

I saw a comedy show tonight

   MooNiE and Broon.
    I know....who!?!
   These guys perform at the Ren Faire in Bristol, Wisconsin.  MooNiE the Magnificent does a combination juggling, tight roping act....and he does it by whistling to communicate.  I have seen Moonie a couple of times and he is pretty funny.
    Broon also performs at the faire, but I have not seen his show.
    So tonight Emily, John, Camryn and I made the trek to Lake Forest to watch their show.  It was part of my Christmas present.
    It was very funny.  Broon did a solo bit.  MooNiE did a solo bit.  The second half, they worked together.
    It was a great night.
    You can tell these two guys like each other.....they were super together on stage.
    It's late.  I am still chuckling.
    Good night.

Friday, January 20, 2017

damn, damn, damn

I just don't seem to get it

     I have a couple of pictures I would like framed.  So I decided that today would be the day I head over to Sycamore to a framing shop.  It's owned by a local guy, not a big box or chain, and he does nice work.
     Then I figured I would stop at a big box type store with a circle as a logo and take advantage of some sales.
     Had Jackie go through the coupons and she pulled out a $1 for tp.
     I listened to the inauguration on the car radio.  One of the NPR reporters was talking about the planned events.
    Her statement went something like this:  (Note, not a direct quote but pretty darn close.)  "When former president Obama had his second inauguration, he had 10 inaugural balls.  Trump has just three scheduled.  And Obamas were fairly large but Trumps balls are small.   (There was a gasp and a giggle.)  Trumps inaugural balls are small."
     I thought it was funny.
     I drive to the framing shop to discover that in life it is always  better to do some recon.  Maybe calling ahead, or checking the website, if there is one.
    Anyway, he isn't open on Fridays.
    Next I stop at the store only to discover I had left all the coupons at home.
    Basically I drove to Sycamore, wasting gas and time,  buying stuff I could have bought in Rochelle while saving  money and time.
    Sometimes it is hard being me.
    Next week, I'll try it again.  But I will call first, just to be sure.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

what was that?????

I apologize for being so serious lately

    I can't blame it on cabin fever.  The weather has been warm enough to go outside and not have icicles form from the end of my nose.
    But I am suffering from a lack of physical exertion, and an inability to concentrate that seems greater than normal.
    Or sure, dusting the floors and doing the dishes counts as activity, but really.... I don't get physically tired, just mentally.
    I may be to blame for the warm weather and lack of snow.
    Two years ago I decided to get my snowshoes re-laced.  The ties were frayed, and one finally broke.
    So, $52 later, my snowshoes were ready to go.
    It has snowed 5 times since then.  Once I was busy, once I was sick, twice I was in Switzerland and I must have just been lazy for the fifth.  Or it was too cold.  Pick one.
    At this rate, my snowshoes....which cost $5 to begin with....will outlive me!
    Every year in January I tend to get grumpy as hell.  I think it has to do with a lack of sunshine and the general dreariness of the month.
    I am not as grumpy this year, but I am not a bubbling cauldron of joy either.
    I  notice that the keypad on my computer is a little smaller and sometimes I hit two letters with my big clumpy hands instead of the one I wanted to hit.
    Spell checker helps..... but it keeps telling me learned, as I learned it in school, is learn ed.  Go figure.
    I realized I have a couple of Cubans left!!  I had planned to smoke them when the Cubs won.... but I was dog sitting and plumb forgot!
    It's going to be warm this weekend, so maybe I will fire one up, pour some wine, and sit on the porch.
    If that plan does not result in snow, I don't know what will.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

don't look at me

I heard a report about money yesterday

    Oxfam International said that 8 people hold the equivalent of 3.6 billion people in our world!  Think of that!  Eight people have as much money as 3.6 billion people.
    Of course, they are talking mainly about people in very poor countries, where people may make $1 a day.  High populations, small wages, contribute to that imbalance.
     Oxfam also reported that the rich are getting richer at a faster pace than the rest of us.  They predicted that the world will see its first tiillionaire sometime in the next 25 years.
     To put that kind of wealth in perspective, you would have to spend $1 million a day for 2,738 years to spend a trillion dollars.
    It's a crazy world, where a baseball player can earn more in one season than a teacher can earn in a lifetime of being in the classroom.
    I always wonder how much is enough?
    If you are a baseball player playing in a town that loves you, does it matter if you make 13, 15 or 9 million dollars a year?  Even 2 mill is a heck of a lot of money.. more than most of us will ever need.
     I guess I am still thinking of Hetty Green from yesterday, and a former student's visit to Biltmore in North Carolina.
    I'm not a socialist.  But I sometimes think the rich are getting a pretty good deal, and the rest of us are not.
     Now, I am going to work on that book so I can sell it and become an overnight millionaire, with  a best seller, movie deal, play written by my friend Luke based on the novel, even a musical!
     And to think.... you all knew me when.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

I never knew that

I learned something new today

   As part of the liberal elite, I often listen to that evil public radio.  You know, the people totally opposite the F news crew.
    Anyway, they were interviewing an author who wrote a book about women who made New York and they mentioned Hetty Green.
    I had never heard of her.
    She was an investor.  She invested in banks, mortgages, railroads, during a time when men ruled the financial world.  And she made money.  Always.
    She was called the Witch of Wall Street and I suspect a movie will be made about her in the next year or three.
    After all, when the panic of 1907 hit and banks ran dry, Hetty was there to loan money to the city, the banks, the railroads.....and when times improved, she called the loans and made money.
    She lived frugally.  One black dress, which a maid would wash when it got dirty but only the dirty part.  Hetty infrequently bathed, which meant she smelled.  Her fingernails were long and dirty.
    She was a miser.
    When her son hurt his leg, Hetty took him to a charity hospital but was recognized and told she would be charged.  So she took the boy home.  His leg would eventually be amputated, which was traced back to never having it fixed properly.
    She lived in tenement apartments and moved frequently so tax agents could not find her.
    She refused to use hot water or electricity.
    When JP Morgan died, he had a fortune of about $80 million.  He was revered in the financial world, and history books, as a genius.  Hetty died  in 1916, three years after JP.  Her fortune was over $200, million, which is about $17 billion in today's funds.
    She was the world's richest woman.  I don't recall reading anything about her, or even hearing about her, until today.
    She had two children, and when her son died his half of the estate went to his sister, Sylvia.  (Ned turned out to be a bit of a rake!  He lived with a prostitute, eventually marrying her after his mom died.  He built lavish estates and spent money quite freely.)  When Sylvia died in 1951, it was the end of the line for Hetty Green's family.
    Sylvia willed her $90 million to universities and colleges.
    I bet old Hetty turned over in her grave.

Monday, January 16, 2017

add....more than math

I have a problem completing tasks

     I get easily distracted.  Sidetracked.  Off task.
     I leave things unfinished, cabinets open, doors slightly ajar.  (How can a door be a jar??  English is a funny language.)
     So why is my family punishing me?
     How so, you ask?
     By giving me a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle of Wrigley Field.
     500 pieces.  500!!
     This brings out all my fears.
     What if they left out  a piece or two?
     How do know they did not mix up two puzzles at the puzzle factory?
     How can I possibly finish this in my lifetime??
     What if I lose a piece or the dog eats a piece?
     All of those fears are justified.
     I worked up the courage to start today.
     I set up a couple of tables downstairs and started working.
     An hour and a half flew by and I had a grand total of 15 pieces assembled.
     Only 485 to go.

Here's the look of a confident, self assured person about to embark on a challenge

Some of the puzzle pieces don't have colors!!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

wasted away and NOT in Margaritaville

I just lost a day

    At my advancing, doddering old age, wasting a day is shameful.
     But Sunday disappeared.
     I got up late, made some crepes, then Skyped Julia, sat down to read the paper and fell asleep.
     Woke up in time to watch the Packers whoop Dallas and move a table then I cooked supper.
     Downstairs tree?  Still up.
     Window cover?   Still off.
     Dining room table?  Still covered with dishes.
     Greatest novel of the century?  Still untouched.
     I need to manage my life better.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

where am I??

I went to a speech meet today

     It was in Sandwich.  Been there lots of times because of the antique market.
     Decided I would just follow the bus.
     But to be safe, I did a map route thing.  Go South on 39 to Paw Paw, in Paw Paw take Chicago Road to.....yada, yada, yada.
     For some reason, the number 34 was in my head.
     Well.....thank you enlarged prostate and a mug of tea....I had to visit the rest area on 39 just before the exit for Paw Paw.
    I got back on 39, got off at the Paw Paw exit,  and drove in the direction I thought was correct.  And I drove.  And I drove.
     It was before 7 a.m., so the sun was not yet up.
    And I drove.
    I found a high school.....but it was  not the right one.  In fact, it was not the right town.
     I ended up in Shabbona, about 20 miles north of where I got off.  I stopped at a Casey's General Store and asked for directions and proceeded to drive 20 miles south to the road I should have taken.  (Sounds like a Robert Frost poem...two roads diverged amidst the corn, which one to take I was torn...)
     I learned my lesson.  Until after the meet.
     Found a great place for coffee and tea in Sandwich...Belladonna's.... which is just off 34.  34 was in my head.
     So I got a coffee and a delicious croissant and went west on 34.....to Mendota, which is 12 south of where I wanted to be.
     All in all, I made a huge triangular drive covering 687 miles, two states, four counties and sixteen rest stops.
    When I got home I discovered I wanted highway 24....a county road...not 34, a state road.
     Maybe I should just ask Siri next time.  It will be easier.

Friday, January 13, 2017

whoa, nelly!

I have a solution to the unemployment problem

    It's a very simple solution.
    Ban cars and trucks.
    The number of workers in the auto industry is going down due to robotic technology, plus a lot of cars are not made in the USA anyway.
    So ban all cars and trucks.
    Require that everything be delivered, and people transported, by horse or train.
    Think of the jobs we can create!
    Harness makers will be needed to fix the reins and saddles of horses.
    Wheel makers to make the wooden wheels for the carriages.
    Blacksmiths to make horse shoes for all the horses
    Stable men and women to house the horses, comb them, curry them, and feed them.
    And most importantly, shit shovelers.  Think of New York without cars, but thousands of horses instead.  Wonder why the older homes were called brownstones?  Horse excrement, my friends.
    Most of these jobs don't require college educations, although I knew some people  who have a PH D in shit shoveling, but they could be supervisors.  The jobs do require training however, but that could easily be accomplished.
     We can put millions of people to work in the horse excrement industry, from shoveling to carting, to burying.....or do you not bury it?  What happens to horse manure?  I guess you could use it for fertilizer.  Or something.
     Anyway, when I finally announce my intention of running for federal office, banning cars will be number one on my campaign promise list.
     Might even be a campaign slogan:  Bring back manure!  or something like that.
       Or:     Let's make our streets shitty again.
     Something to think about.  Just don't do it for long.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

time for reinvention

I need to do things differently

     The Christmas cookies are almost all gone.  This is actually a record, I don't remember them ever staying around past Jan. 1.
     Jackie makes a cookie called a crescent.  It has walnuts in it.  It is crescent shaped and I really like them.  Jackie really likes them.  Until this year.
     Someone picked up a package of black walnuts to use in the recipe.  I did not know they have a different flavor than regular walnuts.  But they do.  Much stronger.
     So, I was the only one who seemed to like them..... but next year I am getting regular walnuts.
     I also am close to finishing my annual package of Mallomars.  These are a New York area treat commonly found at Christmas.  If I remember the story, the cookies are made in Canada and don't hold up well in heat, so they are only made during the winter.
     My package was on top of the microwave.
     Did you know if you run a microwave a lot it creates heat?
     Some of my Mallomars, that don't like heat, melted together.  But I still ate them, in fact I have two left.
     So now I have to reinvent myself.  Less cookies, more exercise, more writing, less solitaire and Facebook time.......  a new me, in other words.
     Will I be successful??
     I'll let you know.
     But based on my past lives....I'll be writing the same thing next year at this time.   Hopefully.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

what to watch??

Sometimes I see rays of sunshine in small places

     I watch a lot of tv, usually sitcoms.  Mostly sitcoms.  Heck, I watch sitcoms.
     Some shows I like and watch regularly.
     Some shows I watch from time to time, but have no strong feelings either way.
    Some shows I find so incredibly stupid I can't even watch the previews.
    Some shows....well, I never have watched, so I may be missing some funny stuff.
    Tonight was a little weird.  I never watch Blackish.  Never.  I don't know why, except I watched the pilot or first episode and did not like the characters.  Maybe that is why.
     But when it came on tonight, I watched.
     I think it was the best half hour of tv I have seen in a long time.
     The topic was the election, and the rifts it has caused in our society.
     The show explored the anger from both sides, the angst from both sides, the unease both sides have.
     And it had an appeal to turn down the shouting, stop the name calling, and start talking.
     If you didn't see it, I highly encourage you to watch it....no matter what candidate you backed.
     One of my all time favorite shows was West Wing;  I would have voted for Judd  (or Jedd?  not sure) Bartlett for president if he was a real person.
     Shortly after 9/11, the show devoted an episode to terrorism and why the US was targeted.  It answered questions we all had, and probably still have.  And no, it did not provide all the answers we would like to hear.
     Television is supposed to entertain us.  But when it also informs us, and teaches us, then I think that's a pretty cool thing.
     Marshall McLuhan would be smiling in his grave.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

don't call me

I am so tired of telemarketers

      I registered on the do not call list, but I guess I have to do that again.
     We get 5 or 6 calls a day......and if I don't recognize the number, I am not answering.
     So if you call me, and we don't answer, leave a message and we will call you back.
     I know people have to make a living and working for a call center is one way, but good grief!  I don't want to lower my Com Ed rates, get a better credit card rating, update my PC over the phone, or any of the other crappy offers they seem to peddle.
     I just want to be left alone by telemarketers.
     Carl Hiaason is a Florida newspaper guy and an author.  He wrote a dark comedy novel about a guy who was harassed by a telemarketer and by doing a bit of detective work, tracked them down.
     It was funny....but I am not going to do that.
     I just won't answer.

Monday, January 9, 2017

ho hum

This was kind of a dreary day

     Yes, we had doctor appointments.......and I have to lose 5 pounds by my next visit.
     So tonight I finished off a bunch of stuff that had not been eaten in the last two weeks.  Pardon me while I burp.
     I took down the outside lights, another reason why it's dreary.  The lights added some joy, but every season has its end.
     Luckily I took them down before the light dusting, otherwise they would be all wet and messy.  Instead, they are dry and messy.  I just can't figure how to store them.  Rolling them into balls does not work.  Neatly folding them does not work.  Just tossing them in a box isn't a great idea either.  Oh well....
     This was just a blah day.
     Hopefully tomorrow will be a little cheerier and exciting.

Sunday, January 8, 2017


I took a stroll back in time today

    Time had a lot to do with it too.
    I got up at 9:30, showered, then talked with my nephew in Switzerland.  We talked until about 10:00.
    I know it was a church day, but it was also the last day for the terracotta warriors at the Field Museum.  And it was late.. so I went to Chicago, finally getting out at 10:30.
    I had forgotten how amazing the Field Museum is.
    I had gone with classes there in the past, and as a kid growing up in Chicago,  and had favorite parts I loved to visit:  Sue, the Pawnee Earth Lodge, the mummies, dinosaurs, Bushman, and the lions of Tsavo, to name a few.
    Here's where it gets weird.
    I know I went to Lincoln Park Zoo when I was a kid and saw Bushman.  I can see him sitting behind his iron bars, a huge beast of a gorilla.  I know I remember that.
    But he died in 1951.  I would have been 3.  So, I guess my memory is not accurate.  Go figure.
    And the Lions of Tsavo.....I know I had seen those peculiar looking animals preserved forever in the museum, but never knew the story until I watched a movie called Ghost and the Darkness. Basic story:  British engineers are trying to build a railroad in Kenya, and two lions terrorize the crew, causing them to run off.  Hunters come to track down the lions.
    The lions are thought to have killed somewhere between 28 and over 100 people, with 35 being the number most likely.  The hunter was visiting the Field in the 1920s and offered to sell the lions to the museum.  He had been using their skins as rugs.  The museum bought them, had a taxidermist recreate the beasts, and put them on display.
    Sitting in the earth lodge, it seemed smaller.  And not in the same area it used to occupy.  I asked a docent and yup, in 2002 or so the lodge was moved, scaled down, and the human figures on the roof removed.
    It's still a place of calm and peacefulness.
    The warriors are amazing.  There are only a few, but the pictures and displays were super neat.
    The emperor Qin, pronounced Chin, had over 7,000 of these life size soldiers created to guard his tomb.  Sounded like a giant ego trip to me.
    He also built a wall........wait a minute, I see a pattern here.
     Anyway, here are some pictures.

Lions of Tsavo...they are males, but lack manes

This is Sue's skull....the actual skull is in a case on the second floor.  Weighing 600 pounds, it was too heavy to use on the first floor dino

Saturday, January 7, 2017

thanks for the belt

Some friends and loved ones have had close calls lately

     A head on crash on a Caribbean island while on vacation.  Stuck between other cars and accordioned.  Rolled over twice while traveling in Wisconsin.
     No injuries are minor, but everyone involved walked away alive, although bruised, broken, and frightened.  But alive.
     I wonder how many lives seat belts save every year.
     I am of an age when we drove with just a lap belt, and it wasn't required that we used it.
     I also remember when laws were passed to make wearing a seat belt mandatory, some people complained it took away their right to make their own decisions.  I am sure some said it was a violation of their Constitutional rights, because not wearing a belt was a way to express your idiocy, which is a right, evidently.
     Turns out the seat belt law was a common sense measure that saves lives.
     Imagine that.  A common sense law that saves lives.
     Maybe lawmakers were just braver back then.  Or smarter.  Or both.
     But we need to make a change in the way we live, and die.  It's common sense.
     That's all I am going to say.
     Good night.  Sleep well.   Hug your families.

Friday, January 6, 2017

I am stunned

I just don't get it

     Another shooting, more outrage, more innocent people gunned down in public, doing nothing more than claiming their luggage.
     Yes, all the rules were followed.  The killer put his gun in checked luggage. He followed the rules.
     But can someone explain to me why?
     Why is our country constantly examining the problem but not offering solutions?
     Why do we have a society where young people tie up and torture a mentally disabled man, and broadcast it?
     Why do we have groups of youths fighting in malls?
     Why do we constantly hear reports of shootings involving gang members aiming for groups of people, hoping to hit an opposing member?
     Why do we have reports of police shooting unarmed men?
     Why do we have cases of police being shot?
     What is wrong with us?
     No other country in the world seems to have the problems with firearms that we have.
     No other country at peace seems to have the propensity for violence that we have.
     Is it constant exposure to violence, either on tv, in the movies, or in video games?
     Is it our acceptance, even encouragement, of violence?  And yes, encouragement.  We cheer for a hockey fight.  We relish a bench clearing incident in baseball.  We elevate street fighting to a championship level.
     Something is wrong with us.
     I hope someone knows how to fix it, before it is too late for all of us.
     If I lived in Canada, I would be demanding that the United States build a wall to keep the violence out of their country.
     I just don't understand.



Thursday, January 5, 2017


Well, it's just the two of us, again

     And no, I don't count Emily and John because they don't live with us.  It's just Jackie and me.  And the dog.  Corki doesn't always count either because she doesn't talk to us, or me.  But Corki can lick parts of her body, which makes me a little jealous of her flexibility.
     So I drove Julia to the airport in our new car.  There is not as much room as the van.  The 110 pound suitcase and the steamer trunk took up a lot of space in the car.
     The new car, it turns out, is a magnet of sorts.
     I parked in an area of the garage where there were few cars.  But when I went back to the car, there were cars on both sides and still empty spaces!
     Then I stopped at the Oasis on 294 for something to eat.  I parked on the far end, away from any other car and next to one of those tree islands.
    When I went back, there was a car next to me and one behind me!
     I don't get it.
     And no, I did not eat or drink in the car.  All that was done in the Oasis.
Good bye, fair well

Auf Wiedersehen,  adieu

adieu, adieu to you and you and you

Mural in Terminal one at the airport

Now, that's a whitewall!

No, this is not a Do Not Touch....but a Dusenberg from the Volo car museum, on display at the Oasis.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

don't worry, be happy

This is a bad night for me

     I was up at some unholy hour today, like 2 or 2:30.  I played spider solitaire for an hour and just did stuff on the Internet.  No, porn was not involved.
     I finally went to bed around 4....and slept, fitfully, until 9 or so.
     I get like this when Julia leaves....and that's what she does Thursday.
     I really hate leaving day.
     Yes, I get misty eyed.  Yes, I get sad.
     I don't know how much I will sleep.  I'm tired, but not sleepy....if that makes any sense.
     I'll do my usual walk around the house tomorrow night, looking for signs of her and piling p Christmas decorations on the dining room table.
     It's a hard time for me.
     And I think it will be hard on Jackie too.  She can't make the trip to the airport, which has been our custom for 14 years.  But the cold, her leg, the luggage, the walking.....all are pointers for her to stay home.
     Truthfully, that's why I hate it when the holidays end.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

all teched out

I am considering moving to a remote island without electricity

    Technology is wreaking havoc on my psyche.
    I have  a new camera.  There are so many settings and options that it makes my head spin.  Metering choices, exposure choices, settings choices....... there goes my head again!
    Not to mention my cell phone, which takes me forever to figure out.  I still have trouble remembering how to empty my trash of deleted pictures so my camera memory isn't full.  I had the same lesson for the 10th time tonight.  Will I remember tomorrow?
    My computer.  I can't seem to navigate the maze of steps to create files in word, organize pictures in photos, find e mails in mail.......but I seem to have no problem finding spider solitaire.
    Speaking of spider solitaire..... I stopped playing last March.  Nine months I went, until Dec. 28.  Then for some reason, I started again.  I have to break off again because it is so addicting to me.
    We have a new car.  It is tech loaded.  I had to have lessons today on how to run the damn radio and cell phone!  Seriously, I just want to go from point A to point B.  Well, if I can figure out how to program the navigation system I can do that without getting lost.
    In the mean time I think I will go to bed.
    No tech involved in that.  Yet.

Monday, January 2, 2017

what's today?

I was really confused all day

     Today is Jan. 2.  The calendar indicates that.
     So watching the Rose Parade was a bit odd.  I kept thinking it was Jan. 1.  But there it was, on HGTV without commercials, on Jan. 2, and I watched most of it.
     I did have to look away to clean up after Corki.  She urped three times.  Why doesn't the dog want to barf on the paper and not on the floor?  I was confused.
     Julia hasn't felt well for a couple of days, and my stomach has been a little roiled, but I blame it on the wine and coffee I have been drinking.
     Corki had no excuse.  She has been off her feed for a couple of days.... maybe she has a little flu like issue.
     I also watched the last quarter of the Rose Bowl game.  That was pretty exciting!  I don't follow college football, but that was a great comeback by USC.  I think.
     I went into the basement to start putting away stuff, like boxes and wrapping paper.  If I said we had 22 rolls of wrapping paper, it would not be an exaggeration.  And they say I hoard stuff!!
     And I finally found our tissue paper, after going to the store twice to buy more.  I think we have a three year supply.
     Anyway, my metal shelves don't align the right way.  I find myself putting heavy boxes on the top because the shelves are too close on the bottom.  So I figure, take 5 minutes and move the one metal shelf.
     Thirty minutes later I finally got it off the brackets.  15 minutes later I got it back in place.  I was so frustrated, and tired, I gave up and went upstairs to play on the computer.
     Luckily I did not go to see the terra cotta warriors at the Field Museum.... but I do plan on going Sunday, the last day for the display.
     Nothing like waiting until the last minute.
      Now, to bed, perchance to sleep, and dream.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

like a teddy bear

I am feeling stuffed

     Yes, I eat too much.
     I don't exercise enough.
     You have heard that enough.  No more.  That will change.
     Tomorrow, it starts.  Maybe.  If  not tomorrow then for sure Wednesday.  Or Thursday.
     Well, maybe not Thursday because Julia leaves and I will need comfort food.
      Friday  it starts.  Except I have a dinner that night.  So Saturday. Oops ....speech meet.
     That's settled then.
     It starts.  Someday.