Wednesday, November 30, 2016

the IRS is not calling

I am amazed by people's gullibility

     I don't even know if that is a word.  It would be a bigly mistake if it wasn't.
     I mean, how many times on FB do you see Bill Gates giving away $1,000 just for sharing a post?  Or gift cards for half the price?  If it sounds too good to be true, it isn't.
     Then there is the IRS scam.  A group in India was recently arrested for theft.    They would call the USA and tell people they represented the IRS and then spin a story about back taxes owed
     They convinced people to go buy gift card and then give the numbers to the caller!
     One lady said she was suspicious because the caller sounded foreign and he said rupees instead of dollars.  Twice.  Yet she went and got a $500 gift card and read the numbers to the caller.
     They were bringing in $150,000 to $225,000 a day.  A day!!
     How many times have we heard the warnings:  The IRS will not call you for back taxes!  You don't have a Nigerian uncle who wants to smuggle money out of the country!  If you have to send money because you won a contest, then you did not win the contest.
    I imagine some of these people are elderly.  But I also imagine some of these people are just plain idiots.  They probably still believe Obama is Muslim, the moon landing was faked, the 911 attack was planned by our government and a whole lot of other stupid stuff that isn't true.
      Another example.  I saw a tv program the other night that offered proof that space aliens were living among us Earthlings.  They often had the ability to change shapes so they looked just like one of us.
     Cat Media covers the problem completely in their magazines.  It's true.  I saw it on tv.
     We really need to be aware and concerned about these space invaders living among us!
     And if you believe me and don't recognize the Supergirl plot line, well, good luck, you will need it.  And for $1,000 I can bring you good luck...send cash only.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

somebody has to

I read an interesting article in the Trib today

     It was about a program in the Oakland CA area that targeted economically disadvantaged youth and high school drop outs.
     It's an apprentice program in the refuse collection field.....or how to be a garbage man.
     The youths are recruited and trained for two years.  Then they will be eligible to have a commercial driver's license and get a job as a union sanitation collector.
     During training they get $20 per hour, great wages for jobs requiring you to get up at 3 a.m. and work in all kinds of weather.
     Once they get a union job, they are looking at a salary of about $70,000 a year.
     I am not knocking the program or the job.  Yes, it may be more than some college gradates start out at, but it's a tough job.  And someone has to do it.
     The same article mentioned that currently there is a shortage of about 48,000 qualified collectors across the country.
     Like I said, I just thought it was interesting.

Monday, November 28, 2016

ho, ho, ho boy

I went Christmas shopping today

     That is unusual.  Very unusual.
     I usually wait until Christmas Eve, then I go out looking for specific items that are never in stock in the right color or size.
     I wander from store to store, not finding what I want.
     So today I broke tradition and went early.
     Same result.
     Jackie wanted a cookie cutter shaped like a dog bone.  No, this is not a Christmas present, so I can talk about it.
     I went to a store specializing in baking was closed.
     I went to a pet store, and they suggested Bed, Bath and Beyond.
(Digression....a friend of ours has a husband who does not have English as his first language.  When he was still learning, he always referred to the store as Bed, Bath and Behind.)
     I asked an employee if they had cookie cutters shaped like a dog biscuit.  He told me they normally did, but he did not order any this year.  But I could order them on line.
     So we went back to a computer and he looked up the product.   Three varieties;  small dog, big dog, variety pack.
     I asked how much the shipping was or could I pick it up in the store at no cost.
    His answer.....shipping to my home was free.
    This product is made in the USA, which was the only item I bought today that was.  It's hard to find made in the USA products......I try.
     Anyway, I charged it.
     Total cost?  $1.37!!  And they are shipping it to me for free!!
     My guess is it will cost more to mail it than the product cost.  Tis the season.
     Next I priced a new camera body.......not going to happen.
     I also bought a printer.  We have had our printer for at least 10 years.  It seems to eat cartridges.  So, Emily did some research from Consumer Reports and found a reasonably priced Brother.
     I went to Office Max, and found they don't have it.  No surprise, since I looked on line and no one seemed to have it it stock currently.  But the next step up was in stock and on sale for $149.  It's a $249 printer!
    But it was not the one I was looking for, so I went to Office Depot, which is owned by Office Max.  They had the same printer for $179.  I figured I would ask if they would price match so I didn't have to drive back, but when they called the other store, I was told the price was $179.
    Now, I don't always trust people.  So I drove back to the first store and discovered the $149 was on a different product.
    So I bought the printer.  As I was standing at the check out counter, I asked about cartridges.  I was told there is enough provided to do about 300 copies.
Well, since the whole issue started because I have finally finished the dreaded Christmas letter, I said I better buy cartridges.
     I almost fainted.
     This guy comes out carrying an armload of what looks like firewood.  But it wasn't firewood, it was ink cartridges.
     It takes four of them.  They are about $70 each.   Damn ink cost more than the printer!
     I was so depressed by this time, I had a coffee.  That made the day go much better.
    Now I have to do some on line shopping......

Sunday, November 27, 2016

you have to realize you are 68

I hated to hear those words today

     I spotted some people out riding their bikes.  Sure, it was cold, foggy, damp, but they were riding.  I said to Jackie that I wish I was energetic enough to do that on days like this.
     She said the words I really have a hard time accepting.
           They are in their 30s.  You are 68, you have to realize that you can't do everything.
     Or something thereabouts.
     She is right.  I am feeling my age tonight.
     I brought in most of the outside stuff...table, chairs, lounge, hose carts, hoses....and I am feeling it tonight.
     I got it all in the garage, with only a minor bit of cursing.
    Then I started lugging the water softener salt downstairs.  Sure, it is only a 40 pound bag....but after taking two of them down, I resolved not to take another.
I'll have to rely on John to take the next two down, but I am also going to investigate home delivery options for water softener salt.
     Growing old is funny sometimes.  I have more time on my hands, but it takes so much longer to do things, like mowing or cleaning.
     Hair doesn't grow so fast on my head, but my ears and nostrils are like a forest.
     I don't care too much about clothes...other than I have to wear them.  I do wear clean clothes, but you will seldom see me in anything other than blue jeans and a sweat shirt or a sweater.
    It's not fun.
    But it beats the alternative, as they say.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

some of this, a little of that

It's been a busy few days

     Thanksgiving, going to the zoo, cutting down our Christmas tree, decorating the house on the inside.
     I need a vacation
     Jackie is always telling me to toss stuff  I no longer need.  Well, in truth, I need very little and she is right.
     But I can't do it.
     The first two pictures are of items I just can't toss.
     Why?  See for yourself.

      Now, these singing children are actually candles.  Maybe my brother Carl will remember them, because they were my mother's.  I don't remember a lot of Christmas decorations, aside from the tree, when I was growing up.  It just seemed people didn't do a lot of decorating...or maybe we were too poor to buy decorations.  But these always came out.
     The bottom has the name of the manufacturer and the date.....1950.  And yes, the one on the right is broken.  But I can't toss them!!!!

     I think Emily might have been second or third grade when she made this.  We have not put it out in years.  It is in a box, stored in a box.  Again, I just can't toss it.
    After we got the tree, I took Camryn on a little detour.  This is what we saw.

    All the times Jackie and I have gone to Nachusa, we have seen one or two bison.  Today there were a lot out.  Too bad I only had my cell phone and not my real camera.  Or binoculars.

     The zoo has community trees, decorated by families, businesses, zoo employees, volunteers, scout troops, school get the idea.  The decorations are very creative.
     Here are some examples.

water bottles repurposed

Scrabble....more than just a game

a small water bottle

     Well, that sums up the past few days!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Sorry, Mr. Melville

Call me idiot

     Sometimes I just don't think it all through to the very end.
    Tonight, on my way home, I was going to a store on Randall Road.  I usually go to Orchard Road, then take that to Randall.
     But tonight, for some unknown reason, my little pea brain  was hit by a memory of taking a road from Randall to Il. 31.
     So I got off at 31.
     Now,  it may have been a few years since I had taken that route, but I was positive I turned right, then left.  So I did.
     And ended up crossing 88, which should have been on the south.
     So I turned around, went north, ended up on some residential road.  So I turned left, knowing I needed to go west.
     I don't know exactly what happened after that.  Let's say I passed some businesses a few times.  Over my stubborness, and the male trait of never asking for directions, I used my phone to get directions and it took me back to 31, then to 88, then to Orchard Road.
     My little detour took about 40 minutes.
     When I finally got home, we had left overs.
     Jackie made some small apple pies, those one person serving size pies.
     I had one.  Put a little whip cream on it.
    We have 3 cans of whip cream in the refrigerator.  I used the oldest can, not the one we opened yesterday.
    After putting the dollops of white heaven on the pie, I noticed the nozzle was discolored.  Ok, the nozzle was black.  Very black.  And brown.  Very brown.
     Now a prudent person would have scraped the waves of whiteness off and re coated with the new, fresh whip cream.
     But not me.  I saw no discoloring.  It smelled ok.  So I ate it.
     Several questions now arise.
     How long before food poisoning sets in?
     Do I have ample rolls of tp on hand, just in case?
     Why am I so cheap?
     Why do I agonize over simple decisions, like should I eat it or not?
     When will I learn from my mistakes?
     I have a headache and I am sweating....what's next???
    Yes, I did toss the can out.
    Yes, I realize the foolishness of my actions.
    Yes, I hereby repent from my sins of stupidity.
    At least until tomorrow.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


I ate too much

   Surprised?  I did not think so.
   Good food, family, friends.....that's all you can ask for on a holiday like today.
   Jackie did point out that the pumpkin pie  story from yesterday was not at the same holiday as the high table.....I pled my doddering age and borderline senility for the error.
   It's funny...the older I get, the more events seem like an accordion.  What used to be such a long time is now compressed.  The accordion is being squeezed and events that were years apart are now seconds.
   I am glad I can 't remember everything.  There are too many events I don't want to remember.  And I think there are events that never happened that I remember vividly.
   Anyway, time for bed.....if I can waddle that far.
   I don't have to eat for a few days.........
   I hope you all had a festive day of fun, food, family and friends.
   Create memories.  Then hold onto them.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


I may have told this one before

     Jackie and I had were married and went for a  "family" Thanksgiving at my brother's house.
     There were a lot of us.
     Jackie was tasked with bringing a pumpkin pie.
     The first problem I remember was we sat at a table mounted on top of a pool table.  My chair was so low, my chin barely reached the table.
     The food was good, then it came time for dessert.
     Of course, everyone wanted pumpkin pie.  It was cut and passed out and people started eating.  A silence fell over the crowd.  An eerie silence.
     People just sat there and chewed.  Slowly.
    Jackie finally sat down and put some pie in her mouth and almost spit it out!
    "This is terrible!" she said.
    Seems she forgot to put in the sugar part of the recipe.
    Everyone was just afraid to say how bad it was because they didn't want to hurt the new bride's feelings.
     Now, every Thanksgiving I ask if she put the sugar in the pie.  And we laugh.
     I miss those people.
    Happy Thanksgiving.  Make a memory tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


I hope you have seen my picture on Facebook

    Rather, pictures.
    I have posted several...but none for the past three days.
    It's not because  have reached my goal of selling 20 calendars, a goal I am very near meeting.
    It's not because I don't have pictures....I have a couple in my photo file, ready to use.
    But I thought you needed a break.
    Lots of people have commented on them....and I thank you for your kind words.  Yes, the pictures are supposed to be funny.
    But I really want to sell the I will be back posting pictures after you enjoy a lovely Thanksgiving dinner.
    Or maybe tomorrow, if I remember.

Monday, November 21, 2016

of cords

Cords absolutely flummox me

     If I was king, the first law I would make is that all electronic devices have a common cord!
     Whenever I look for a cord, I find at least 5 that don't fit.
     Where do they come from?   (Or, from whence doth they appear?)
     Well, when I have an electronic thingy go bad, I never throw out the cord.  I put them in a box.  Or a bag, I seem to have both.
     But I put extra good cords in there too.  Or sometimes on the shelf, under the three notebooks, four old magazines, a W flag, and some random papers.
     I have been having an issue with my real camera.  It seems to periodically wipe out the memory disk.  I don't think it is the disk, because two of them were wiped out in a 10 minute period, so I think the camera may be having issues.
I have had it for 14 years.  A film camera would still be serviceable after that time, but a digital....well, that's a new breed of cameras.  I don't know how long they are expected to last.
     Anyway, Emily gave me a little Pentax camera a while back.  It was before the storm, so she may not even know I have it.
     Last spring I looked for it to take to Cuba.  While I found the camera, the cord for recharging was gone.
     I looked, and looked, to no avail.
     Could not find it for the wedding in June or the trip in September.
     Tonight I vowed to root through the crap in the closet and find the cord.  And also the camera, which seems to have disappeared from the desk.
     After 5 minutes I found it.
     Plugged into the camera.  On the shelf.  In clear view.
     Do I need to start worrying about my mental capacity?  Seriously, I may have a short circuit somewhere.
     I also dug out the little keyboard and I pad that used to be Jackie's.
     But guess what?
     I can't find the cord.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

this is tiring

I got dates screwed up again

     I have been telling everyone I leave Dec. 4.  Everyone.  I even bought tickets to the high school madrigal dinner Dec. 3.
     Told people I could not stay long at the speech meet Dec. 3 because I would be doing last minute packing.
     Everyone knew I was leaving Dec. 4.
     Talking to Julia today and she says I leave Dec. 3.  Then she said we talked about this...she was going skiing Dec. 4, would be back late.  I would have a key.       Maybe have to take a cab from the train to her house.
     And I remembered.
     So, what is it about my little brain that can't keep dates and times correct?
     It is really frustrating.
     Every calendar in our house has Dec. 3 as my day of departure.  Every one.
     The mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

I did not know

I think it may be on my permanent record

    This is strange.
     I was talking to a former student today, and he mentioned he was sent to the principal's office by another teacher.
     I jokingly said that the incident was on his permanent record.
     A third gent joined the conversation.  He said he was a bit of a challenge in fifth grade, and on the last day of school pulled the fire alarm!
     And that is on his permanent record.
     Seems he went to enlist in the Air Force under a special program and sat down with the recruiter.  The Air Force ran a background check and asked him about the incident!
     It was in his permanent folder!!
     No charges were ever brought against him, and the AF did not view it as a major issue.
     But holy cow, something you did as a kid can come back to haunt you.
     Especially if it is on your permanent record.
     Wish I could see mine from high school......I think it would make for interesting reading.
     "A quiet person, he can do some pretty stupid things."
     Nothing has changed from high school, I can assure you!

Friday, November 18, 2016


I sort of went for a bike ride today

     I hauled my bike into town and tried to ride the bike path.
     You may have noticed it was a tad windy.
     When I started riding about two, it was a gale!  I ended up riding up and down the streets of Rochelle, which gave some protection from the wind.
     The temp was 66 when I started riding.  It was 61 when I finished, and dropped down to the mid 50s by the time I got home.
     And now, snow.
     It's not even winter, but it is acting like it.
     Speaking of winter and acting, (Don't you love my segues?  And yes, it is spelled correctly... I looked it up.) I went to the Winter One Acts at RTHS tonight.
     I coach a couple of students who were involved in the one acts and I was curious to see how they performed in a theater situation.
     I was very impressed.
     There is some pretty great talent at the high school.  These kids directed, acted and in some cases wrote the show.
     Now my complaint.  People will go to a football game in the freezing cold and watch the team.   They will sit on hard bleachers watching basketball. But the theater was not very full tonight, despite the soft seats and the ambient temperature.
     Performers need audiences.
     So, Saturday night if you can, go up to the high school and watch the show.
     There will be parts you like, and parts you won't understand. (I blame that on a hearing loss and a 50 year age difference.)
     But I guarantee that you will be impressed.
     So go.
     That's it.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

close to it

I just want to update you with some numbers

     59, 978.....the number of page views for this blog.  This post will put me over the 60,000 mark.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.
     398.7..... the number of miles logged on my bike this year.  Hopefully, 400 will come tomorrow.
     17..... number of Rotary calendars I have sold so far.  Great Christmas presents!  Order one today!!  I can deliver!!!
     4..... number of second grade classes that visited the museum today.  I had the task of presenting the basement to them.  The youngin's asked some darn good questions, and I better find the answers!
     1.... former student who visited the museum today, along with her parents and grandfather.  I love seeing people from my past.
     1..... former student who sat with Jackie and me at Country School tonight.  I remembered everything about him except ... guess what?  Exactly.  Asked if he was him or his brother.  He was him.
     68.5.... the number of years in my life.  But I always get confused.  How old am I?  Birthday 69 marks the end of my 69th year, but the start of my 70th.  So, will  I really  be 70?  Does it matter?  Is 70 the new 50?
     106...age of a Cub fan the Tribune featured in a story.  He didn't want to admit his age because it was hard enough to get a date when women found out he was 90, he'd never get one when they learned he was 106.
     47.... the number of years of marriage we will celebrate in December.  I won't be home.  Does it still count?
     1....  last thought before I go to bed.  I have lived a good life, a blessed life, and I am glad you have allowed me to share a small part of it with you.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

a tale of woe

I had a bad biking experience today

    As I approached the tunnel at 38 a shadowing figure moved out from under the bridge.
    When I first saw the mask covering his face, I knew I was in trouble.
I stopped.  I got off my bike.  I took a few steps backwards, but the masked marauder kept staring at me.
    I picked up a rock and tossed it at him.
    That seemed to not interest him.
    So I did what any self respecting city guy who fears an animal with rabies.... I went a different direction.  I rode my bike to 38, crossed over and walked my bike down the embankment on the other side.
     The raccoon never moved.  It must have been enjoying the day in the sun.
I know raccoons are fierd fighters.  (Or is that a badger?  I never remember.  They must not be very good fighters because I don't know any football teams named the Raccoons.  Badgers.  Wolverines.  Bears.  The Fighting Fish.  OK, I made that one up.  No Raccoons.)
     It was a beautiful day. Toward the end of my ride I even stopped for coffee at my favorite Rochelle coffee spot.  Luckily they still had a couple of chairs out front for people like me on days like this.
     Hopefully I can get some riding in tomorrow morning before I wander to the museum and try to answer questions about some of the artifacts in the basement.       Second graders ask some pretty strange questions, but I always try to tell the truth.  Unless I don't know, then I might make something up.
     One last thing about the raccoon.  I don't think it was constipated.

He as bigger than my dog and did not want to move.
So I went over him......quite a scat man, don't you think?

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

half a circle

All I can say is wow.

     And thank you.  A big thank you.
     I began this little blog as a New Year's resolution.  I never finish things.  
     When I went to college, my dad clean out the attic in Chicago and threw out dozens of model cars....all in various stages of construction.
     I have three unfinished books floating around.
     I have not ridden 400 miles this summer, which was my goal.
    You get the picture.
     I checked my "stats" today and ...... sometime this week this blog will hit 60,000 page views.
     Today I am at 59, 180 more....half a circle if it is in degrees.... and I hit 60,000.
     Thank you all for reading, commenting and liking my little passages.
     I really want to bring laughter to you.  Some days, life is not funny, and I am not funny.
     Thanks for baring with me on all the days, funny and not so funny.
     I should give a prize to the 60,000th reader.....wonder how I can do that!

Monday, November 14, 2016

whine, whine, whine

I am a little whiny today

     Is that right?  Whiny?  Spell checker says it is not whiney, which I thought it was.  So I changed it.
     Garage is a mess.  Can't get it organized.  Can't toss out crap.  Can't find crap.  Stepped in crap.
     I did manage to get the Christmas lights up outside.  I think they work.  They are all on a timer and my problem is always setting the stupid timer.  I get one to go off at the right time and the other goes off 20 minutes later.  No matter how I adjust them, they don't work together.
     I won't turn them on until after Thanksgiving.  That weekend will be a full blow out put up Christmas stuff weekend.
     I think we have about 20 Christmas tubs in the basement.  Hauling them up is always a challenge.  Hmm....people are coming for dinner on Thanksgiving.  Maybe after dessert we could have a haul the tub up session.
     I get frustrated with little things.  Like the election signs.  We had a Hillary one in the yard, but with the election over, it's time to go.  The plastic doesn't seem to be recyclable.  And the wire framing technically is, but the recyclers toss it because it jams up equipment, so I was told to put it in the garbage.
     It bugs me to throw that stuff out.  We need to make it easier for people to recycle stuff and not fill up landfills with things we can recycle.
     Which is why my garage is a mess.  Too many things that need to be recycled....including me.

Sunday, November 13, 2016


I have been impressed by amazing things today

The moon.
The Bears.
The Packers.
Ikea meat balls.
Peppermint mocha.
The staff at J. Jill's.
Our amazing weather.
Finding my Christmas lights actually work.
The BBC Nature video of racer snakes chasing a newly hatched lizard.
A clean kitchen counter.

Others may come to me in the night....but I am curious...what amazed you today??

Saturday, November 12, 2016

another year, almost

Every year I plan to see the  Oscar nominated films

     I want to see the nominees for  best picture, actor and actress.  I scan the paper for the movies, write the titles down, and get ready for the Oscars.
     Last year there were 15 movies that were in those 3 categories, with a few of them appearing in more than one.
     That's a lot of movies.
     But through sure perseverance and great scheduling I managed to see a grand total of 2.  Yes, two.  2 out of 15.
     And I think that was double from  the previous year.
     Why don't I watch them?
     It confounds me.  I have a tv downstairs, I know how to use the local video store and that red boxy thing.  I have Netflix and on demand tv.
     I missed some good movies last year, including a few that were not even nominated.
     I can't understand why I don't go to the show more often.  I'll see an ad for a movie, or hear a review, or read about it and think, "Golly, that would be a great movie to see." (Yes, I do use golly.  Sometimes I toughen it up and say by golly and if especially agitated, good golly followed by Miss Molly.  Thank you Mitch Ryder.)
     I'll find out where it's playing and that's the end of it.
     I like movies.
     I have watched Casablanca so many times I can say parts of it along with the actors.
     I have watched the Magnificent Seven save that village at least 25 times.  I think I wore out my copy of Princess Bride, at least I can't find that.  Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, African Queen, The Spound of Music, The Great Escape....all movies I have watched multiple times and still enjoy.
     I think I am in a rut.
     Speaking of the Magnificent Seven, the last magnificent one just died.  Robert Vaughn was the gunfighter who had lost his nerve, but in the end redeemed himself and died a glorious death.  He was the last of the seven from that film.
Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, Yul Brenner, Horst Bucholtz, Vaughn, James Coburn, and I can't remember the last guy, the one who always believed the villagers were hiding gold.
     And if my mind is still accurate, Bronson, Coburn and McQueen were all in The Great Escape also.
     That's what confuses me.
     I love a great movie.
     I just don't watch them.

Friday, November 11, 2016

strangeness onhand

This was a different day

    It was a zoo day.  So I put my "uniform" on and made the trek east.
    My supervisor was in a training session, or so the note on the door said.
    I signed in, picked up the keys, looked at the schedule....and I was not on it.
    Then I got to thinking.
    Training session.  Not on the schedule.  No volunteers on the schedule.
    Seemed I signed up for the training session about a month ago and forgot.
    Didn't need my green shirt or the keys or to be in the place where I was standing, momentarily confused about my brain's functionality.
    Before I left Rochelle, I filled up the car.  I noticed a woman in a huge SUV at the next pump.  It was one of those cars that gets about 8 mpg....huge!
    I also noticed a drip coming from underneath her car.
    As I got in my car to leave, I noticed the drip was a little faster and there was now a puddle, a noticeable puddle, under her car.
    I got out and said, "Excuse me....but I think you are leaking gas."
    She did not seem too concerned.
    I am just glad she was not a smoker.
    Saw two accidents, one of them almost at the exact spot where I saw an accident last time I went.  Deja vu, all over again.
    And I usually stop at a small local coffee shop for a shot of caffeine on the way home.  But today I stopped at a Starbucks because they have 2 for 1 holiday beverages through Nov. 14.  Plus a pop at dinner.
    I don't think I will sleep at all tonight.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

watch that gap

I am coaching high school speech students

     You know how a tornado works.  Starts small, then grows as it sucks up everything in its path.  (This observation is based on first hand experience.  More on that later.)
     "Could you help with speech this year?" she asked, in a sweet sing songy voice that seemed so innocent.
     What would I do?  "Just work with a couple of kids for humorous duet acting."
     So I said yes.  (Feel free to make a fairly quite sucking sound.)
     I have kids doing humorous duets and some doing original comedy.  (Make that sound a little louder.)
     And by the way, the first meet is Nov. 19 (sucking sound gets louder) and it would be nice if the novice kids were ready to go. (Suck as loud as you can!)
     The first meet is a short one.  Starts at 7:30 a.m. (honestly....that is like 4 a.m. to the rest of you) and ends....oh, say about 2....maybe 3 at the latest.
     Now granted, I do not have to go to all the meets....but I am their coach and I want to see how they do.  So.....
     There are 9 meets.  All on Saturdays.  All early starters.
     The kids are great.  Honestly, I dreaded working with high schoolers but these people are all pretty amazing.
     I admit I had to ask about a couple of things in the OC.  "It's how we talk.  It means ......" has been uttered about half a dozen times.
     I told them I would be clueless about some of their references, and I am.  But one person clearly referenced Rocky Horror Picture Show and seemed shocked that I recognized the reference and have seen the show.  No generation gap, or at least a bridged gap.
     I started our first session by telling them:  I am at least 50 years older than you and in fact, could be older than one of your grandparents.  Also, I don't hear well, which is an advantage for you because if I can't hear you while sitting in the front, the judges sitting in the back sure won't be able to hear you, so speak up.
     So far it has been good.  More time consuming than I originally thought, but once we  hit that novice tournament, that will change.
     Life is a series of seemingly unrelated this blog. When the Cubs won, a picture of the downtown skyline was posted on FB.  Buildings are lit up in Cubs colors, their bright lights reflected in the lake.
     I saw the photographer's name and clicked on her web site.  She is a storm chaser from the suburbs.
     She has two of the most awesome storm pictures I have ever seen.  They are of a huge EF 4 tornado last spring.  April 9.  The one that destroyed my daughter's house and changed all our lives.  "Tornado over Rochelle," is what she titled them.
     And then there is the picture of downtown......I knew I had to have it.
     So I bought a print.  I told her she had taken pictures of two of the most memorable events in my lifetime and while I was buying a picture of the happy event, I wasn't interested in the other.
     A coincidence?
     I think not.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

now what

I have found myself with extra time

      I followed the Cubs.  I mean during the regular season and through the playoffs.
      They won 11 games in the playoffs and I think those games averaged 4 hours I spent 44 hours watching them play.  Throw in the parade and all the super extra coverage, and it was a lot of time.
      I spent a lot of time listening to the debates and watching the news.
     That's over.
     The Bears are not that exciting, although they have not lost the last two weekends, so that is a positive.
     All that adds up to extra time on my hands.
     Free time.
     So I need to occupy my time.
     Here's how I plan to fill up the space.
     Netflix....just rejoined in time for the winter.
     Deleting pictures from my computer.
     Learning how to delete pictures from my camera and then emptying the trash on the camera  because if you don't empty the trash, the pictures are still there taking up memory.  (To be honest, John and Emily have shown me how to do that about 4 times now.  I still don't get it.)
     Taking a computer class so I know how to use my computer, including the word program and photo program.
     Going through the 426 songs I seem to have downloaded from I Tunes.  Oh wait, that was my old computer.  This one has nada, zilch.
     Learning how to download music to my computer.
     Actually completing a cross word puzzle.
     Finishing my novel.
     Finally creating a vacation book for the 2013 trip to Tuscany, possible now that my pictures have been restored.
     Making a 2016 book from my pictures.
     Figuring out where the hell I went in 2014 and 2015.
     Drinking wine.
     Making wine.  I have the supplies, just need the mix.
     Cleaning the nutcracker cabinet.  This should take time.   Lots of nutcrackers.  And smokers.  And curios.  Lots.  Someday you will be able to buy these items for a quarter when Emily has the yard sale prior to putting us in the home for senile seniors.
     Making lists.  I just feel good making lists.  I never cross anything off, I just make them.
     Putting more time into making this blog funny and entertaining.  Or at leest spelled corectly.
     I am starting on the last one know.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

oh oh

I have a sick feeling in my stomach

And it's not from anything I ate, but what I've watched.
I  feel like I am in a car heading for a curve on the mountainside and I just discovered the driver is blind.
Good Grief.

Monday, November 7, 2016

oh nooooooo!

I sometimes don't believe it, or not

     Stuff I have taken for granted as the truth may not be.
     It was revealed in a news article that Chip and Joanna may be deceiving us at the beginning of the show.  A former home buyer who was on the show said they may show you three houses, but one of the houses is already owned by the show's .... what do you call them?  Star?  Client?  Contestant?
     Anyway, the person in the show already owns the home.
     I am bummed.
     Next you'll be telling me that the Cubs really didn't win the WS, but it was a hoax perpetrated on the viewing audience by a cartel formed by a chewing gum fortune family and an internet trading billionaire family.
     Or that the real life people, not actors, in the Chevy commercials actually got jobs acting and are going to be super stars.
     There are so many things we accept as true, but what if they aren't.
     Was Obama really born in Hawaii?  Really?  Sure, there is a birth certificate, a birth announcement in the local paper, hospital records....but, really?
     And is the Earth really round?  Every time I see a picture, it looks flat to me.
     While I am at it, I think the moon is flat too.  I never see the whole thing, so it must be flat.
     Some of you may remember the moon landing.  I think it was shot on a movie set in Arizona and the 3,467 NASA employees involved all took a pledge to never reveal the secret!  They never have, testifying to the dedication some people have to preventing the truth from being known.
     The Loch Ness monster?  It's really a dinosaur that has been kept alive by a secret sect of Scotsmen.  (Working the alliteration angle again, as always.)
     Oh there are so many truths that may not be true.
     But I will leave the others to your imagination.
    Cause right now I have to wire some money to my new friend in Nigeria.  He is going to make me quite rich.
     I think the wine has relaxed me tonight.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

shopping early

I am getting into the Christmas mood

     Sure, it is 60 degrees and the Cubs just finished playing baseball.  The Halloween decorations are almost put away and the turkey is in the freezer.
     But Christmas is, like, 49 days away...or something like that.
     That's not too far off.
     So, I am compiling my annual gift list.
     (Those of you who "forgot" or whose gift the post office "lost," you have a chance to make up for it this year.)
     Feel free to join with someone else in giving me these highly desirable but totally unnecessary gifts.
     I'd like to start with the Wizard of Oz pinball machine, through  Hammacher Schlemmer.
     I'll let their description speak for me:   Full-motion mechanics reproduce iconic scenes, including Dorothy’s spinning farmhouse near a 3D molded twister, a winged monkey that steals your ball and requires “rescuing” from the witch’s sculpted castle, and a melting version of the Wicked Witch Of The West herself. The game’s action includes five ruby slipper flippers, three haunted forest tree trumper bumpers, one state fair balloon bumper, five magnets, and a variety of spinning, rollover, and drop targets. 

     That is all available for the low, low price of $9,500.  But order early, there were only three left when I wrote this.
    They also have an Irish Telefon (their spelling) booth in cream and green for $9,000.  It would be a great conversation piece.
     Sharper Image has a self emptying robot vacuum.  Most of you know I do the bulk of the housework, and this would be a handy item to have.  Turn it on, set it loose and when it gets full, it goes back to its charging station and dumps the dirt!
     I am not exactly sure where it dumps it, but hopefully it won't be another mess I have to clean up.
     Cost to make me happy?  Only $699.99, a true bargain.
     SI also has a human touch massage chair for only $7,499, which was the least expensive massage chair and also the coolest looking.   That would help me relax.  I could relax and watch the robot vacuum around the pin ball machine.
     Or the App controlled electric skates.....$699.99.  (Maybe it's me, but I find the 99 cents to be a bit inane.)  I can strap them on and speed down the sidewalk at speeds up to 12 MPH, controlling direction with my phone.  That doesn't sound like a recipe for disaster does it?  If so, consider the seated body lean directed transporter from Hammacher Schlemmer.  It looks like a Segway with a seat, and would allow me to cruise at 11 mph, controlling direction by just leaning my body.  (Ok, what happens if I sneeze?)  It's only $1,300.  What a bargain!
     In case you don't find anything in my list you like, just mail me any gift.  I am sure the post office won't lose it.
     After all, they can't lose every present two years in a row.  Can they?

Saturday, November 5, 2016

sleeping ......

I missed my camping trip this weekend

     It's almost an annual event, the last weekend in October or the first weekend in November.
     John and Dr. Dave are guys I grew up with.  It seems we started a long time ago,  camping in the fall, bringing an assortment of other guys along  from time to time.  Usually I am the one who misses because of other things I have to do.  Same with this year.
     It's always a great experience.
     One year, we were at Mississippi Palisades State Park, I woke up to the sound of little pitter pats on the tent.  It was snowing!  Pretty darn cool experience.
     We sleep in tents.  On the ground.  No portable heaters, roll out couches, recliners...just real men and nature.
     But we always think it would be nice to bring a heater.  And lights.  And maybe a small tv.  Mini fridge.
     But we don't do that.
     We hike during the daylight and sit around and talk sports, politics, cars, (of which I am pretty quiet) and the general state of the world after dark. We listen to music, like Simon and Garfunkel and other older folk type people, and some Floyd, and others that are mellow and quiet yet great musicians.
     We smoke a couple of cigars and if alcohol were allowed in the park, we would probably have a couple of glasses of wine with dinner and some hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps with cookies.  Maybe a shot of red eye.     Maybe.
     We cook on a fire, sometimes a small grill.  Usually burgers and sausage, with chips and other munchies.
     I missed it this year.  I got confused, and said this was a good weekend to go when I was already committed to watching the dogs.
     But even if I didn't have to dog sit, I just wasn't feeling well enough to go.  My headache is almost gone, but I am terribly tired.
     I was the cookie and hot chocolate person, so I hope someone picked up the slack.
     Funny, it seems the older you get and the more time you have, the less opportunity you have to spend it with old friends.
     Every year I complain about sleeping on the hard ground, using a pit toilet, waking up on a freezing morning.  Every year I wonder if that was the last time.
     Now, I am hoping that next year we can do it again.
     I am looking for a portable heater, just in case.

Friday, November 4, 2016

holy cow

A lot has happened since my last post

     You might have heard the Cubs won the World Series.
     That be true!
     I am sure there were many of us who had that sinking feeling when the Tribe tied it....I felt like I was going to throw up.  (Much like part of today, but for a different reason. old was that cheesecake?)
     But I turned to Jackie and said stop complaining, calm down, they will win it in the tenth.
    And they did.
     Strange too.  I am the pessimist.  I believe if it can go wrong, it will.
     We've seen it all with the Cubs:  black cats, flubbed foul balls, misplays at first base.  But I knew that the Cubs were going win this year.
     In future years I will recount to myself the thrill of it.  I happened to be with the dogs when they won and yelling was not a good choice.  And while talking to Jackie on the phone during the last half inning was good, it was not the same as sitting in a room with her and watching.
      The most amazing thing occurred on my drive home to put out my W.
It had rained most of the day.  As I pulled out of my driveway I noticed the road.
It was covered in worms.  Hundreds of worms.  Thousands of worms.
     As I drove back to Em's I felt bad that I was driving over them but it would have been impossible in my lifetime to take them off the road.
     Funny, but that memory will stick in my mind as much as Ross's home run or Bryant's grin on the final grounder.
     Next year, I am going to a WS game. In my lifetime, I have to.
     Tickets will be cheaper, maybe not in as high of demand.  But I will go.
     After all, I am a Cub fan.
     I can wait.
     In fact, I am used to waiting 'til next year.
     This time, it will be for a different reason.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

shoulda, coulda

I am having regrets about tonight

     I have been a Cub fan for as long as I can remember.
     For years, I have been waiting until next year.  Well, next year is here.
     And it is tonight.
     So, why am I sitting at home?
     I should have gone to Cleveland.  Should have gone to where the Cubs are going to win their first World Series in my lifetime.  In my mom's lifetime.  In a whole generation of folks' lifetime.
     There is a price to pay for regret.
     I was listening to Joe Maddon talk about his Tampa team he took to the WS.  Young team, exciting team.   A team that was built to be together for a while.  Sound familiar?
     He called it World Series fatigue, but they didn't go back the following year.  Or the next.  Or the next......or since.
     Anything can happen.  A pitcher goes down.  Fielders get hurt.  Contracts run out.
     In truth, this could be the only time in my life I would get to see a WS game involving the Cubs in person.
     And I was too cheap to go.
     On the upside, I do get to spend the night watching with Jackie, who is a pretty rabid fan herself.
      And I will probably call Dan and John after the win, maybe even Warren.....just to again say "This is the Year."
     And it is.  I just hope it isn't the last one in my lifetime.
     As Frank sang, "Regrets, I've had a few....."
     And I did save a couple of thousand dollars, which is always a good thing.
     Let's Go Cubs!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


I rode my bike today

     Nov. 1, and I am out riding my bike.  Granted, I did not ride far...just 4.4 miles, but I rode.  Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to go a little farther.
     I ran out of light today.  I did not get home from my coaching duties until about 5:45, so two laps around the subdivision was all I felt comfortable with as the dark was consuming me like a Halloween ghost and a Snickers bar.  Plus, I had to let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof) before I could eat supper and have a little candy.
     I had to ride to make up for all the candy I have had since so few came to our house.
     Talked to my friend John from the city and he said they were actually lined up on the walk outside his house, waiting their turn for candy.
     Seems the Trib named their neighboring neighborhood as a good one for trick or treating.
     Our neighborhood is good for trick or treating too.....but no one knows that.
     Hopefully tomorrow Jackie will hide the rest of the candy and I will not gorge on it until it's gone.  If only I could ration it, one candy a day.
     Hah!  That will never happen.
     Anyway, it's the top of the ninth and the Cubs are leading 7-2.
     Hope that holds for three more outs.