Saturday, April 30, 2016

Psycho Birds cause Vertigo

I am being driven crazy by a robin family

     Oh sure, laugh.
     For the past several years a robin has built nests on our porch.  I always go out and knock them down.
     Here is this year's nest.

     Always in the same spot.
     I go out and knock it down.
     They build it again.
     I thought Corki might be able to scare them away, because she has a tendency to run after birds and bark.
     But not robins.
     So I knocked the nest off today onto the pile that has accumulated on the porch.

     That is a lot of straw and mud and work.
     Now I like robins, except when they dive bomb you when you come out the front door, and drop white dots on the furniture.
     Porches are for rockers, not robins.
     I stuck two white flags left over from the invisible fence project into the gap between the house and the post.  Hopefully the fluttering flags frightened (notice the clever use of alliteration) the birds away....but we'll see.
    Wasps in the back, robins in the front, here I am, stuck in the middle again.
     I also want to share two pictures.
     Jonquils, or daffodils, were my mom's favorite flower.  Every time I see one, I think of her.
     Funny I haven't planted any at this house.

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