Saturday, April 23, 2016

earlier than later

I planted peas today!

     I don't know if I have ever planted anything this early.  But these are early sugar snap peas....ready in 70 days, which should be about the time we are in Vegas.
     Planning was never my strength.
     I felt like farmer Bob out there today.  Big hat, suspenders, a ton of garden tools on the wheelbarrow.
     I noticed my 12 foot long raised bed is bowing in the middle.  I think I will have to take it apart in the fall and add some support to the center.  Or, make it into two six foot beds.
     I hope it doesn't collapse.
     That would be my luck.  Put in a garden and have it fall down.
     I have enough sugar snap peas left to plant a second crop in mid August.  That should be ready by the time October comes to an end.
     I think I will like the garden this year.  Tomatoes, carrots, beans......basic stuff.
     I even have the herb garden set up and ready to move outside.  I am a little afraid of a frost, but I think tomorrow it will go onto the patio.
     With all this delicious, nutritious, organic food, I should be able to put a little health into my diet.
     Now if I could figure out a way to grow potato chips.......

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