Friday, April 22, 2016

here's the latest poop

I think I need professional help

     No, not for me, but for our dog!
     And yes, I know some of you think I should get professional help...but that is another issue.
     Corki has some problems.
     Yesterday, when I was gone, she did not eat.  She did not eat her delicious breakfast bowl of dry cereal and green beans.  She did not eat her Greenie at lunch.  She did go out, but spent most of the day sleeping.
     Until I came home.  Within five minutes, she was eating.
     I can't be in a room more than two minutes before she shows up and lays down near me.
     The only thing that gets her up is the sound of the treat jar being opened by Jackie.
     But today, well, today was another story.
     I don't like to talk a lot about dog poop, but she has a problem.
     She went out this morning and did her usual number in the back yard.  All day she went out and had full use of the yard.
     I took her on our walk at 5.  She pooped in the grass near Skare Road.  I was prepared.  I pulled out my plastic bag and picked it all up.
     She walk five feet and pooped again.
     Once again I pulled out a plastic bag and picked it up.
     Then when we got to the circle on the east end of the block (which makes for a 1.6 mile walk, give or take a tenth) she dropped another load!  I used my final bag to pick that up and carry it all the way home.
     What the hell!
     It's like she saves it up for our walk!
     She had gone out 10 minutes before we started our walk and did nothing....then three dumps.
     I guess our yard isn't good enough for her.
     Now I'm wondering if she is holding it on purpose, waiting for our long walk to release her waste.
     And if she is, why?
     So, I need a dog psychologist.  One who can speak her language and find out just what the heck is going on in that little head of hers.
     And if they have a few minutes, maybe they could chat with me.  They would not need dogspeak for that!

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