Sunday, April 24, 2016

don't tell my wife about this

I have a new life plan, thanks to the Tribune

     Today's real estate section had an article on what $3 million will buy for housing in the Chicago area.
     Yes, I know.  $3 million is a lot.  But I can do huge stuff with a lot less.
     One of the houses, in River Forest, had an outdoor railroad.
     Not a garden rail road, but a kiddy land type set up, complete with a crossing gate for the driveway.
     That would be freakin' awesome!
    The house was on .83 acres of land.....we have an acre.  More space!  Plus the lot next door is still for sale.
     So wouldn't it be great to buy an old kiddy land train set up?
     Seriously!  I would have it run through my yard, into the now owned by me lot next door, through the prairie and into the forest, across the bridge and back to the station at the end of my patio.
     I know....i would have to plant the forest.  And the prairie.  And lay the track.  And buy train. And build the bridge over the newly created river.
     But hey, I am not getting any younger!
     I'd do wine trains, with a table and wine set up out by the prairie.  We'd ride out there, eat cheese, sip wine, watch the sun set over the prairie.
     I'd have cookouts in the forest part.  Of course, I would be careful not to burn the trees down when I fired up the camp fire to cook.
     My train would have a refrigerated caboose to hold cheese, meat, wine, and soft drinks.
     It will be awesome.
     And I know how to pay for it.
     The property taxes on the house were $49,000 or so a year.  So, if I don't have that house, I am saving $49,000, which should pay for the lot, train and forest!
     If only it were that simple.
     I do know something that is simple.  Go to the Bike MS website, search for the Jackies Jokers team and make a pledge to me.  Any amount will do.
     I think now I will go outside and declare war on two wasp nests.
     Let's call it a sneak attack.  Hopefully they won't know what hit them.

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