Friday, April 29, 2016

oh my! pass that pie!!!

I'm going the wrong way

     Ok, with about six weeks to go to the wedding, let's see how far I am on my plan to get to 190 pounds.
     Started at 196 on March 1.
     Walk the dog 1.5 miles at least three times a week.
     Ate handfuls of potato chips.
      Polished off some Swiss chocolates.
     Ate a salad.
     Dined at an all you can eat restaurant in Cuba.
     Ate at another all you can eat restaurant in Cuba.
     Ate at.....let's say several all you can eat places in Cuba.
     Been to Ollie's a couple of times.  Ok, three times.  All right....four times.
     Had soup, cheese and crackers for lunch for two weeks.
     Had a banana.
     Rizzo's for breakfast.  (If you don't know what they are, you are not a Cub fan.)
    Rode my bike.  Once.  Six miles.  Hey, it's rainy and cold!
     Went up and down the stairs once.
     So....doing a little math here.  Add this, subtract that, and get on the scale......

206 pounds!!!

     Holy crap.
     I can do more late night snacks.  Walking more.  Biking when the weather hits a nice temperature and the rain stays mainly on the plain in Spain.
     Good grief.

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