Tuesday, April 5, 2016

time saved = time lost

I seem to have found a few hours

    One positive side effect of my trip to Cuba is not playing spider solitaire.  I seem to have found about 2 hours a day extra to read and do other things.
    But, with the Cubs on, I find I have lost those two hours!
    Dilemma:  I love the Cubs.  I love to read.  I can't read when the Cubs are on because I listen to the game.  I either have to give up reading or give up the Cubs.
    I  could explain my need to wtach.  Like the Cubs have not won in my life time;  I've seen lots of terrible baseball, so it's nice to see some good ball; finding the games is a challenge since they seem to be on three different channels; (and in keeping with the Rockford TV stations' Code of Incompetence not all of them are carried in HD.  It's obvious, because they all look short and squat.)  I just like baseball., it's been very, very good to me.
    So.....watch or not.....hard to choose.
    But right now the Angels are coming up in the second inning and I am missing the action.
    I guess my mind is made up tonight.
    Go Cubs Go!!

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