Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I see...or maybe not

My vision isn't as sharp as it used to be

    I just had my eyes examined, and my prescription hasn't changed, but the condition of my eyes has.     I don't know if that makes sense.
   So Jackie hands me an invitation to Emily's wedding.  I look at it and say, "That's nice.  But why is there a question mark after congratulations?"
    Jackie takes the paper and looks at it and starts laughing.
     The question mark was after Can we get a witness?
     Congratulations appeared nowhere on the page!
     And during Hub today, I was working with some fifth graders on fractions and the sample problem made no sense to me.  It was a division problem involving fractions and my answer and the given answer were nowhere close.
     Upon further review, it was an addition problem!  No wonder it didn't make sense!
     Truthfully, that is why I don't always recognize people at a distance.  At least that is my excuse.
     So let's see.....failing vision, can't hear worn crap, achy in my joints, forgetful..... ah, the blessings of aging.
     At least I can get a senior discount for coffee at McD's and a senior Metra ticket.  And I smell good.
     My message to you:  If you are under 60, enjoy life and your senses now because some day they may fade.
     I an hust glab it doesnn't afffet my typing!

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