Monday, April 18, 2016


I forgot to post last night

     No excuse!  I just forgot!
     If I had posted, I would have mentioned how I am resealing my wife's vertical herb garden.  It is cedar, and should be periodically resealed.  So I sanded it, and opened my $14 pint of polyurethane and got to work.
     It was not a full can.
     It became a lot less full when I knocked it over.
     I used the paint brush to soak up the stuff on the tarp and put it back into the container.
     Used my gas grill out on the patio.  Put two burgers on, lit the grill and settled back with a glass of pinot noir.
     15 minutes later I realized the gas was turned off and the burgers were not cooking.  Oops.
     Spent today doing yard work.  We had an invisible fence installed last year.  I like to aerate the yard in the spring and fall, and wondered how to do that with the fence.
     The nice man who installed it said the best way is to get yellow tent stakes and pound them into the ground along the pathway, one on each side of the underground line.  Then when I want to aerate, I get a string, attach it to the pegs, and use a spray paint to mark the route, thereby avoiding aerating up the $1300 fence.
      I just want to explain why I appear to be pounding on the ground with a slightly bent hammer.  I may have overdone it though.  I think I have about 14 packages of tent stakes, six to a pack, in the ground and I am a couple short.  Go figure.
     But I am not short of propane tanks for my grill.  Most people have one, some people have a spare.  I have 4.  Yes, four tanks.  3 of them are currently filled.
     If anyone needs an empty  one.........give me a call.

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