Saturday, April 16, 2016

ohhhhh noooooo!

My day did not start out well

     I actually slept very well.... a hot toddy and some cough syrup seemed to lull me into a semi conscious state.
     You may remember I have a daughter getting married.  I at one point I said I wanted to lose a little weight for her wedding.  I was about 196-198 when I said that.
     I got on the scale this morning and..... drum roll please.........wait for it........
     What the hell!!
     I have ballooned!!  Yes, all the little pieces of candy and the cookies do add up, but I have tried to cut down.
     And I admit the last two weeks I have been a little inactive.....have not walked Corki as much as I should.
     I am embarrassed.
     I got dressed and went to have breakfast.   Took down a bowl, got a banana and slicked it up in the bottom of the bowl, poured some Rizzos, (they are a delightfully sweet honey nut roasted grain product very much like a Cheerio), went to get the milk and started to pour it in.....
     The dog food bowl!
     My cereal bowl was sitting on the counter, empty.  Corki's bowl was loaded with banana and Rizzos.
     I showed Jackie what I had done.
     "Isn't Corki's bowl clean?  Didn't you wash it?"  she asked.
     I don't care if it was disinfected by the CDC, I was not about to eat food out of a dog bowl.  I know where their mouths have been and it isn't going to be associated with my breakfast.
      So I dumped it and started over, using my cereal bowl, which was still on the counter, empty.
     The rest of the day was much better.  Got to spend time with my niece and her family up at Byron, where one of her twins was playing on a soccer team in a tournament.
     We watched a couple of games, visited, went out to lunch, and had a pleasant day in the beautiful northern Illinois weather.
     Even thought it started off on the wrong foot, today ended pretty well.
     With that, I am off to bed.

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