Saturday, April 9, 2016


I over ate, again

     Tonight there was a one year celebration in Cherry Hills subdivision.  That's where Emily and John live.  That subdivision had at least 9 homes destroyed and several more damaged, some beyond repair.
     So tonight they had a neighborhood party, inviting parents and grandparents, to celebrate the rebirth of the subdivision after last year's tornado.
     We had roasted pig sandwiches, and at least 25 side dishes and another 25 desserts.
     It was super supper time for me!
     There was a video by a former student named Mike, conversation with lots of the parents and people who lived there, tours of the homes, and did I mention desserts?  Like the eclair cake?  Or the $100 cake?
     But the best part of the event?
     Looking around and seeing all the people who were there.  Yes, some couldn't make it tonight.  But I think 90 percent of the families were there.
     Alive.  Rebuilding.  Laughing.  Talking. Alive.
     And many of them brought desserts.....cookies, cupcakes, more cookies, oreo fluff.......... I do have to mention the desserts.
     It was a good night.   And a great feeling.
     Hopefully, none of us will have to experience that again.
     But I am always open to a party with good desserts.

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