Wednesday, April 13, 2016

off to a good start

I saw the Cubs win Wednesday night

     Big first inning carried them over the Reds.
     But the big story was the ball park.
     There has been a lot of renovation/restoration work going on since the end of the year.  Wrought iron fencing and gates are in place, the concourse looks cleaner, the ramps seem to be larger.  And the team is better.
     All that being said, it was damn cold!
     I had to leave after the top of the eighth so I could catch the 10:40 back to Elburn.  I gave myself 50 minutes to make it from the park to the train station.
      I missed the red line train by a minute.  So I waited for the next one, due in 4 minutes.  And I waited.  And I waited.  Finally they put "delayed" up on the board.  And they made an announcement.  There was an emergency medical situation at a previous stop, so the train was waiting for help to arrive.
     I decided to hoof it to the Belmont station and catch a brown line L to downtown.  Went up the stairs at Belmont, train pulled in, I got on and it was 10:15.
     I got off at 10:30 and fast walked to the train station....a 10-15 minute walk.
     I raced up the escalator and reached the platform of the 10:40 just as the conductor was closing doors.
    They kindly waited 30 seconds for me and three other people scampering for the train.  If I had missed it, I would have sat in the station for an hour......meaning I'd get home at 2 instead of 1.
     So that's the dilemma.  Take the train and get home late, or drive and still get home late and be tired.
     I have to make a decision by the next game.
     Anyway, here's my look at the park.

Always room for an ad or two

My favorite player.....and the fancy new fencing tops off the brand spanking new ticket windows.  It all looks nice.

It did not take long to get through the mandatory metal detectors.  Cameras, phones and keys have to be out of your pockets

I believe they had pull down gates the last decade or two

Looking over the soon to be plaza and the new office building

Underneath this is the new clubhouse....notice the McDonald's is gone as is the Cubs shop

Waiting for the game to start

Dust storm?  No, just the infield

Can't beat it! Even the Cub is retro!

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